Saturday, September 30, 2017

Update on Johnny Nabors - 9/30

Johnny's MRI showed that he did tear his rotator cuff and will have surgery on it as soon as they can get him scheduled Dr Temple is booked for the next 2 weeks but they are going to see if they can fit JN in somewhere during that time, we should hear back sometime Monday afternoon to let us know....Dr Temple said this type of recovery is long.  It could take anywhere from 3 months possibly up to 6 months for him to get back to where he can lift what he could before the fall.  Thanks to everyone that has called, text, messaged and/or sent prayers our way, we would appreciate everyone to continue to keep JN (& me) in your prayers, sounds like we are in for a long haul. 

Urgent Prayer Request 9/30

Please pray for Coach and Ruth Ann Stallings.  He was admitted to ICU at PRMC early this morning with what looks to be a heart attack.  He is being transferred to Baylor. Ruth Ann is holding up ok, her daughters are with her.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Prayer Request - 9/29

Sarah Smith has been admitted to PRMC with pneumonia.  She's in Room 548.

Prayer Request - 9/29

Former member Jamie Hyatt has asked that we pray for her.  She has been diagnosed with thyroid cancer.  She is going to have surgery to remove it.  She is optimistic.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Prayer Request - 9/28

Johnny Nabors fell and hurt his arm/shoulder, on our porch Sunday.  Loretta took him to minor emergency to have x-rays to check his arm and make sure no bones were broken. He can't lift his arm up/out in front of him or out to the side.  She took him to see our primary Dr on Monday and he referred him to see orthopedic Dr Drew Temple on Wednesday. He ordered a MRI to check out the rotator cuff.  He'll see Dr. Temple this morning, but they won't know the results until Friday morning.
For those that don't know Loretta fell off the same porch 3 weeks ago and gashed ger elbow & had to have stitches BUT nothing was broken & the rods & screws from her back surgery are fine. The same PA at minor emergency saw them both and told them that they need a Michelin Man suit to wear because they can't seem to stand upright on our porch.
So ... they really could use a lot of prayers right now.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Update on Marlynn Barnes - 9/27

Carole Anderson just sent this update:  "Marlynn has walked twice today.  She is still in PRMC/405, but is being moved to rehab on 3rd floor shortly.  She is in good spirits, but still hurting."

Prayer Request - 9/27

Marlynn Barnes fell on Monday and cracked her pelvis.  No surgery at this time.  She is in PRMC/Room 405 waiting to find out about rehab!

Monday, September 25, 2017

Update on Pete Taylor 9/25

Praise the Lord!!!!
Pete finally got transferred to Paris today! PRMC Room 302!!!
WoooHOOO!! 😀

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Weekly Update - 9/24

Thank you first of all to Greg Mayes for giving the church the information regarding the Search Committee. He explained the different sub-committees and introduced us to each member. 
Continue to be in prayer for all these folks and for the man who will be our new minister.

I have posted a link to the survey on this blog, a couple of times, but how about one more time??  Just click here. Please go fill it out. They need our input. 

Thank you also to Grady King for taking time away from your wife to come and speak to us. We appreciate your lessons. 

OUR SYMPATHY is extended to Ora Henderson in the sudden passing of her son Gerald Henderson, this past week.  Gerald's funeral service was on Saturday.  His friendly greeting, big smile and handshake will be missed.

  • Pete Taylor is still in the hospital in Tyler at this time.
  • Kimberly Daniels - Health
  • Marg Norlin is recovering from foot surgery.
  • Ora Henderson - Health
  • Jean King is recovering from back surgery.
  • Jean and Hugh Anthony - Health
  • Christine Henson fell and broke her arm. Robert is down in his back
  • Gene Stallings - Health
  • Charles Richards - Was released to come home. He's having P.T. in the home.
  • Webber Woodall - Health
  • Harley Lucy Staley - Health
  • Gail Clark has some serious health issues.
  • Loretta Nabors - Back issues
  • William and Lucy Offutt - Health
  • John Figgins - Health
  • Sherrie Boyd - Health
  • Anita Roden - Health 
  • Kristi Anthony - Physical and mental health
  • Lance Johnson - ALS 
  • Troops - Keep them safe
  • Elderly - Prayers for their safety and health.
  • Emergency Personnel - Keep them safe
  • Missionaries all over the world.
  • Sammy Morrow, friend of Gene Stallings, is very ill at this time. 
  • Jim Bo Thompson (friend of Joy Barnett) Health
  • Jazzmayne Radtke, Dinah Border's granddaughter - High risk pregnancy. Prayers for a safe delivery and healthy baby. 
  • Sandy Welch (Kristi Anthony's Mom) - Health
  • Matt Welch, youngest brother of Kristi Anthony, has been told that he needs a liver transplant.
  • Allyson Fasken (teacher at PISD) Cancer.
  • Janet Fouse - (former member) Cancer.
  • Joyce Fouse - Cancer 
  • Sierra Faulkner - 3 year old with cancer. (Friend of Molly's) 
  • Jerry Savage cancer has returned and is aggressive. He is a preacher in Sulphur Springs.
  • Tammy Huffman Beazley - (former member) Cancer
  • Debbie Daniel (friend of Molly's) - Cancer
  • Please continue your prayers for the victims of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Jose, Katia and Maria. Remember the first responders who are already there and those traveling down there.  AND ... The linemen who will be restoring power. 
  • Also, please remember those affected by the earthquakes in Mexico.
Butch Mills, Johnny Bassett, Harley Staley, Carol Murphy, Johnny Houser, Roy Jones, Paul and Carol Helton, Sarah Smith, Sarah Dene Goree, Donna Mosley, Peggy Wright, Smithy and Kay Allen.

LADIES:  If you are interested in going to a Ladies Night on Thursday, Oct 5th at 6:30pm in Greenville, at the Creekside Church of Christ, please let the office know, no later than Sunday, Oct 1st.  Joan Graves, who some of you remember, will be leading singing.  There will be a salad dinner following.  Also let the office know if you need a ride.  Van will leave the church at 5pm and return around 9pm. 

HAVE YOU CHANGED YOUR INFO:  Please help us communicate with YOU better.  If you have any changes in your address, phone number or email addresses, please let the office know.  There is a sheet on the Welcome Center.

LEAVE A MESSAGE:  Nick Murillo is working on a special project for our new preacher. If you call 903-517-2078, you can leave a prayer, a message, or a blessing, and Nick will get these messages compiled for him and his family.
There is also a prayer journal, in the church library, for the preacher and his family.
Also, please keep the search team in your prayers as they continue to the process, or if you have any questions.

Get ready for the County Fair!!!  SIGN UP NOW at the Welcome Center so we can make plans accordingly.  There is also a sign up sheet for our Blue Ribbon PIE table.  So if you would like to bake a pie to share then please sign up!  We are looking forward to a fun evening with this group!  Save the date...Sept 30th at 5:30pm-8pm.

Lice kits and boys clothing

:  Cornbread Mix, Spaghetti Sauce, Laundry Detergent

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This week's entree is Cavatini.
Be sure to sign-up on attendance card. As a reminder, the cost is $3 per plate. 


Sept 30: Young at Heart County Fair
Oct 3:  Men's Breakfast
Oct 3:  Ladies Night at Creekside Church in Greenville
Oct 8:  Faithful Readers
Oct 29:  5th Sunday Fellowship
Oct 31:  Trunk or Treat
Nov 10-12:  Family Retreat
Love you - MEAN IT!! 

Church Assessment Survey

Here's the link to the church survey.
Just click here to fill it out!
You'll have until NEXT SUNDAY (10/1), at 8pm, to fill it out.  

Friday, September 22, 2017

Update on Pete Taylor 9/22

Misty just posted this update:  Dad is still in Tyler because his insurance has not approved him going to rehab yet. Insurance was notified on Tuesday and has been updated everyday, but still no approval. He was moved out of ICU into a regular room. He walked a little with assistance from a walker and physical therapy and other than having some reflux issues, is doing fairly well. We were told that moving him on Sunday would be the best case scenario.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Update on Pete Taylor 9 /21

Misty Gage posted this update:  Dad is much better today. His blood pressure is good, he's walked a little, has been working crossword puzzles and is even sitting in a chair. Hoping to get him back to Paris tomorrow. Thank you for your prayers!

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Update on Pete Taylor 9/20

Misty Gage posted this update on her dad… He is still in Tyler and was not transferred yesterday to Paris because he has a urinary tract infection, his blood pressure is extremely low, and he has been put in ICU. Please pray for my sweet Dad!

Service information...

Gerald Henderson, 51 of Paris passed away Sept. 18, 2017, at his home. 
The family will receive friends Friday, Sept 22, at Maxey Funeral Home from 6-7 p.m. Funeral services are set for 2:30 p.m. at Oak Hill Baptist Church in Arthur City where the Rev. James Alexander is Pastor and the Rev. Arthur Jefferson will serve as Eulogist. Interment will follow in Restlawn Garden Cemetery under the direction of Maxey Funeral Home. 
Gerald Edward Henderson was born Aug. 22, 1966, in Paris, Texas. He was the seventh of seven children born to Cleamon and Ora Lee Henderson. He was a graduate of North Lamar High School. In his early work career, he worked at Campbell Soup and later entered into his dream job as a truck driver. He was disappointed when he couldn’t drive trucks anymore.  

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Update on Pete Taylor 9/19

Misty Gage just sent this message:  Dad is being transferred by ambulance to PRMC rehab tomorrow. Please pray for strength for him to endure the long road ahead of him.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Our Sympathy...

Please keep Ms. Ora Henderson in your prayers. Her son Gerald Henderson passed away this morning.
Gerald sat on the pew, as you walked in the foyer. He always greeted you with a big smile, a handshake and "how you doin?".
No details are known at this time. 

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Weekly Update - 9/17

  • Jared and Kristi Baggett on the passing of his grandmother, Margie Everett. 
  • Felicia Williams also lost her grandmother, Pauline Barr, last week.
  • Pete Taylor was taken to Tyler on Friday afternoon. After lots of tests, he has a fracture in his back. Hopefully he will be home on Monday. 
  • Kimberly Daniels - Health
  • Marg Norlin is recovering from foot surgery last Monday.
  • Ora Henderson is recovering from a heart attack and stent placement.
  • Jean King is recovering from back surgery.
  • Jean and Hugh Anthony - Health
  • Keith Bollman is seeing a back specialist in Tyler and going through testing. 
  • Greg Mayes is having issues with his hip. 
  • Christine Henson fell and broke her arm. Robert is down in his back
  • Gene Stallings - Health
  • Peggy Wright - Health
  • Charles Richards - Has been transferred to rehab. He's improving daily.
  • Webber Woodall - Health
  • Harley Lucy Staley - Health
  • Gail Clark has some serious health issues.
  • Loretta Nabors - Back issues
  • William and Lucy Offutt - Health
  • John Figgins - Health
  • Sherrie Boyd - Health
  • Anita Roden - Health 
  • Kristi Anthony - Physical and mental health
  • Lance Johnson - ALS 
  • Troops - Keep them safe
  • Elderly - Prayers for their safety and health.
  • Emergency Personnel - Keep them safe
  • Missionaries all over the world.
  • Jim Bo Thompson (friend of Joy Barnett) Health
  • Jazzmayne Radtke, Dinah Border's granddaughter - High risk pregnancy. Prayers for a safe delivery and healthy baby.  (They have relocated from Florida to Telephone, TX to be with her Dad during this hurricane.)
  • Sandy Welch (Kristi Anthony's Mom) - Health
  • Matt Welch, youngest brother of Kristi Anthony, has been told that he needs a liver transplant.
  • Allyson Fasken (teacher at PISD) Cancer.
  • Janet Fouse - (former member) Cancer.
  • Joyce Fouse - Cancer 
  • Sierra Faulkner - 3 year old with cancer. (Friend of Molly's) 
  • Jerry Savage cancer has returned and is aggressive. He is a preacher in Sulphur Springs.
  • Tammy Huffman Beazley - (former member) Cancer
  • Debbie Daniel (friend of Molly's) - Cancer
  • Please continue your prayers for the victims of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Jose and Katia. Remember the first responders who are already there and those traveling down there.  AND ... The linemen who will be restoring power. 
Butch Mills, Johnny Bassett, Harley Staley, Carol Murphy, Johnny Houser, Roy Jones, Paul and Carol Helton, Sarah Smith, Sarah Dene Goree, Donna Mosley, Peggy Wright, Smith and Kay Allen. 

HAVE YOU CHANGED YOUR INFO:  Please help us communicate with YOU better.  If you have any changes in your address, phone number or email addresses, please let the office know.  There is a sheet on the Welcome Center.

LEAVE A MESSAGE:  Nick Murillo 
is working on a special project for our new preacher. If you call 903-517-2078, you can leave a prayer, a message, or a blessing, and Nick will get these messages compiled for him and his family.
There is also a prayer journal, in the church library, for the preacher and his family.
Also, please keep the search team in your prayers as they continue to the process, or if you have any questions.

Get ready for the County Fair!!!  SIGN UP NOW at the Welcome Center so we can make plans accordingly.  There is also a sign up sheet for our Blue Ribbon PIE table.  So if you would like to bake a pie to share then please sign up!  We are looking forward to a fun evening with this group!  Save the date...Sept 30th at 5:30pm-8pm.

Lice kits and boys clothing

:  Cornbread Mix, Spaghetti Sauce, Laundry Detergent

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This week's entree is Fried Chicken.
Be sure to sign-up on attendance card. As a reminder, the cost is $3 per plate. 


Sept 17-20: Abilene Christian University - Summit Lectureship
Sept 22-24:  Youth Retreat @CDR
Sept 30: Young @Heart County Fair
Oct 3:  Men's Breakfast
Oct 8:  Faithful Readers
Oct 29:  5th Sunday Fellowship
Oct 31:  Trunk or Treat
Nov 10-12:  Family Retreat
Love you - MEAN IT!! 

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Update on Pete Taylor 9/16

No surgery. Minor fracture. Putting him in a brace for 6-8 weeks. Will be here until at least Monday.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Update on Pete Taylor 9/15

At 9:15pm Misty sent this update on her Dad:
Trauma dr came in and said neurosurgeon wants an MRI tonight. Going to put him in ICU because of his age and because they want him moved carefully by nurses who know what they are doing.
There is a possibility he will have to be off his plavix for a certain amount of time before surgery. Neurosurgeon will see him in the morning with a plan. 

Prayer Request 9/15

Misty Gage sent this message about her Dad, Pete Taylor:  He fell out of bed about a week ago and has been having a lot of back pain. This morning he couldn't walk so he was carried by ambulance to Mount Pleasant and they are sending him by ambulance to Tyler. He has a compression on his L3 and needs surgery right away. He went to the Paris ER two different times this week but they just sent him home with Tylenol three.
Misty is on her way to Tyler now. Please keep her in your prayers for traveling grace. And keep the Taylor/Gage/Boyd families in your prayers

Our Sympathy...

Our condolences to Jared and Kristi Baggett and their family on the passing of Jared's grandmother, Margie Everett, this past Sunday. Margie is the mother of Jared's mom, Vanessa Everett Blythe, whom many of you have met. A private Memorial Service will be held at later date.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Prayer Request - 9/12

Joe Daniels had a heart cath this morning.  He is out and everything is great! No blockage and stents are CLEAR!  Clean bill of health!
Praise the Lord!

Monday, September 11, 2017

Prayer Request - 9/11

Kimberly Daniels posted this today regarding her health:
"Today I start my first day of infusion for this month. My infusions are Monday-Friday usually lasting 6-8 hours each day (I have infusions for 5 days, once a month). I usually have to get a picc line placed for my infusion, but I had surgery last week to get a port placed."

Kimberly has 
Myasthenia Gravis” (MG), which is an auto-immune disease and it causes severe muscle weakness.
If you will click on this link you will find more information about the disease.

Please keep Kimberly in your prayers.

Thoughts of 9/11

Sam Jeffrey spoke at Harding University's chapel today. These are his thoughts on September 11th.
This is the transcript of his speech.  Hope you are blessed by this.
Good morning
I was asked to speak to you today about the September 11th attacks of 2001. I'm honored to do that as I realize that day had a profound impact on my life but happened very early in yours. That being said, because of my work before coming to Harding I must say that today I also mourn the loss of my brothers in the Benghazi attacks of September 11, 2012. They died with honor few men can know. They died that others might live...a very American thing to do.
When I was first asked to speak about the attacks of September 2001 my first thought was to mention a military graduation that I recently went to. A Harding graduate, one of mine, graduated from the US Army Ranger Selection Program. He was one of fifteen graduates from a class that started with one hundred fifty-two. I wanted to share with you what the Command Sergeant Major said at his graduation. He spoke in detail to the graduates and their families about the many threats around the world. The dangers of wars and terrorism and then he said something I’ll never forget. He looked at the graduates and, after detailing all these threats said, “make no mistake gentlemen, I intend to take you into harm’s way. Whatever platform we use to close with the enemy I will be stepping off of it with you and we will destroy the enemy and I will bring you back because you are better trained, more highly motivated and you are equipped with everything you need."
I wanted to share that because military courage and commitment are so close to what the story of 9/11 means to me but the more I thought of it I wasn’t sure I could make the connection for you… and as I kept thinking there was one thought that I kept wanting to tell you…
“I wish you could have seen it.”
Not the attacks…they were horrible. Beyond words really. I have a buddy that was on the ground in New York and his memory of 9/11, the thing that haunted him was the loud slaps of the bodies of those who had jumped from the World Trade Center hitting the pavement around him. I don’t really want to talk about the attacks. 2,977 people died. It is really hard for you to imagine what it was like because you’ve grown up with terrorism. We hadn’t. So… it was chaos.
National Chaos…
This weekend I went back and watched the news from the morning of 9/11. Its clear nobody knew what was going on. There was talk of a bomb exploding at the State Department HQ, CNN reported an explosion at the Capitol building, MSNBC said a bomb had gone off at the Supreme Court. Obviously none of that happened. They weren’t lying. They were just scared like the rest of us. These days everyone talks about the government response to 9/11… and there was plenty of it… but that would come later. For most of the day nobody even knew where the president was.
It was all chaos…well…not all of it.
You see there were some people who saw what was going on and acted. They didn’t wait or hesitate. They made their move and the rest of us followed.
We were a nation in chaos and we needed leaders…no we needed heroes…and we found them. The heroes of 9/11 weren’t found doing what they were told. They were found doing what was right. 343 firefighters rushed into rescue and never came back. They knew what they were doing. They knew the risks and they went anyway. 60 police officers went the World Trade Centers to help evac the victims and became victims themselves. Right there 403 men and women immediately. They went. Thousands of civilians escaped death that morning but it came at the cost of their lives. They weren't ordered to their fate. The main cell tower and radio repeaters for that portion of New York were on the top of the World Trade Center and had stopped working. They couldn't hear their commanders but they could see their duty and went to it. They went to it because people needed rescue and if they didn't go who would? I wish you could’ve seen that.
Soon after the World Trade Center was hit a plane flew into the Pentagon in Washington. It came in low over Arlington National Cemetery, crossed over South Washington Blvd and slammed into the Pentagon. 184 people were killed that day but as would be the case in New York several of the first responders would die later from the asbestos and other materials they inhaled while working the scenes. One of those was my friend and father of a Harding student, FBI SA Bob Roth. I don’t recall how quickly Bob responded to the Pentagon but it was fairly soon after the plane hit. In the following days Bob worked in the immense crime scene. One of his duties was to secure all the classified safes that had been in the portion of the Pentagon that had been hit. Whenever Bob and his team found a safe, or what was left of one, they would call over the radio and a guy would show up on a gator and load the safe up and drive it off to wherever they were collecting the safes. Somewhere around day three Bob’s supervisor pulled him off to the side and showed Bob a picture of a man.
“Do you know this guy?” He asked clearly indicating that there was a concern about the man in the picture.
Bob said he swallowed hard. He did know the guy. It was the guy that drove the gator around picking up the safes.
“Yes. Why?”
“Because we have no idea who he is or how he got into the secure area.”
A little investigation found that all the safes were exactly where they were supposed to be. Collected and secured precisely as ordered. A search of the area found the man helping search teams digging through the rubble.
When they pulled him aside to question him he readily stated that he was not there in any official capacity. He was just a retired marine who had been jogging in Arlington National Cemetery when he saw the plane hit the Pentagon. When he saw the explosion he picked up his pace and ran towards the flames…and stayed for three days helping in any way he could find. He had not snuck into the secure area they had built it around him while he worked. Nothing official. Just a man who saw an impossible need and moved out to meet it.
It is what Marines do. It is what Americans do. I wish you could’ve seen that.
And I wish you could have been there to hear the story of Todd Beamer… Todd was a young man, he had been married a few years and had two sons with his wife, Lisa. Todd was a good father, good husband, and a hard worker. He boarded Flight 93 that morning because he had skipped an earlier flight to spend more time with his kids. His plane took off about the same time the first plane hit the World Trade Center. Shortly after takeoff the terrorists stormed the cockpit and herded all the passengers into the back of the plane. Once there Todd used a Inflight phone in the plane to call the operator to get word out they had been hijacked. His called was answered by a lady named Lisa. While Todd talked to Lisa he learned what terrorists had done with the other planes and determined that Flight 93 would not go down like that. Todd informed Lisa that a group of passengers had decided they were going to retake the plane. Todd asked Lisa to recite the Lord’s Prayer with him, which she did. Todd then set the phone down and Lisa heard him say those around him “you guys ready? “Let’s Roll!”
…and with that, before the attacks were even over, the first successful counterattack took place. The terrorists who had either the White House or the Capitol building in their sights were stopped hundreds of miles short not by elite soldiers or a government agency but by average Americans…heroes. I wish you could've seen that.
You see, the attacks were horrible….but they brought out something beautiful. It brought courage to the surface. Pettiness and argument retreated. We were one…just for a little while and it was beautiful. I wish you could’ve seen it.
You catch glimpses it every now and then. One week racial tensions are at their peak and then Hurricane Harvey hits and all of the sudden rednecks are taking their bass boats into inner city Houston to rescue their black brothers and sisters. You see…when everything is quiet and peaceful and plentiful you can fight like cats and dogs but when you’re in a fight for your life you realize real quick who your friends are. You realize we got a lot more in common than you thought.
What September 11th revealed was that the cliché is true. The strength of America is its people. It revealed that secret that the Founders had discovered so long ago…that America is at its best when we lead Washington instead of letting Washington lead us. We are at our best when we disregard policy and ourselves and move to meet the needs of those around us.
The story of 9/11 has to be retold and has to be remembered because there are lessons to learn. For us here today there are several. There are risks... Everyday... and your called to take them.
The Christian, secure in Christ, should be the first to close with the enemy. There are threats...Everywhere.... and your called to face them.
Christ has told us that he intends to take us into harms way. But he has said that he has equipped us, he will go with us, and he will bring us back.
September 11th reminds the Christian that every day is a rescue. Don't be scared of the flames or the fight. Run to them. You're not called to talk or critique. You're called to rescue.
So get after it. You're dismissed.

Update on Charles Richards - 9/11

Charles posted this update:  Back home and recuperating with home health care. It's been four weeks and four days since the complex surgery on my neck (front and back) that required more than nine hours.
I credit two doctors for saving my life and/or being the difference between my becoming a quadriplegic. My cardiologist, Dr. AJ Hashmi, happened by my hospital room early in my hospitalization and divined to recommend that I be given the MRI that detected the critical pressure on my spine, and subsequently Dr. Andrew Simpson of the Texas Back Institute in Dallas (also recommended by Dr. Hashmi) planned and performed the delicate, difficult and time-taking surgery that turned things around for me.
I will continue to have to wear a bulky collar/brace around my brace for several more weeks, but that is a welcome irritant, given the circumstances.
A physical therapist will come by our house today (the first of two visits a week) and an "occupational" therapist will come by twice later this week, which is good. The goal is to get my legs working again so I can get up and around independently with the help of a walker, and eventually with a cane. And also to get my hands and fingers working again. The good news is my thumb, index finger and middle finger of both hands appear to be almost back to normal, which gives me encouragement that I will be able to touch type again, rather than using only the index finger of each hand.
On the other hand, my wife Barbara, is having to spend several hours a day helping to transfer me in and out of the wheelchair, into and out of bed, to and from the kitchen table, into and out of the recliner, etc. (She says that goes with the territory.)

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Weekly Update - 9/10

Thanks to Grady King for bringing the message to us today from I Thessalonians 4:13-18 and 5:23-28. He reminded us that Jesus IS coming and we have to be ready!!   He re-order Tim McGraw's song... Live like HE'S coming!!!

Nick Murillo is working on a special project for our new preacher. If you call 903-517-2078, you can leave a prayer, a message, or a blessing, and Nick will get these messages compiled for him and his family.
There is also a prayer journal, in the church library, for the preacher and his family.
Also, please keep the search team in your prayers as they continue to the process.

BAPTIZED:  Mackinzie Adams and James Phillips

OUR SPECIAL CONTRIBUTION this morning, for the victims of Hurricane Harvey in South Texas, totaled $12,963!!!  
The elders have chosen 3 Churches of Christ to send these funds to: West Houston, Impact and Memorial. 
Thank you to all who contributed to this today!!! 
AND... The children of Live Beyond in Haiti have raised $1,000 for the victims!!! 

  • Marg Norlin will be having foot surgery in Dallas on Monday.
  • Ora Henderson had a heart attack this past week and had a stent inserted. She continues  to be in PRMC. 
  • Gavin Baggett had his appendix removed at Children Health Hospital in Dallas on Thursday.  He is doing fine. He is the son of Jared and Kristi Baggett.
  • Jean King had her back surgery this past week and is doing well. 
  • Jean Anthony was in the hospital earlier this week.  She is now at home.
  • Keith Bollman is seeing a back specialist in Tyler and going through testing. 
  • Greg Mayes is having issues with his hip. 
  • Christine Henson fell and broke her arm. Robert is down in his back
  • Gene Stallings - Health
  • Peggy Wright - Health
  • Charles Richards - Has been transferred to rehab. He's improving daily.
  • Webber Woodall - Health
  • Harley Lucy Staley - Health
  • Gail Clark has some serious health issues.
  • Loretta Nabors - Back issues
  • William and Lucy Offutt - Health
  • John Figgins - Health
  • Sherrie Boyd - Health
  • Anita Roden - Health 
  • Kristi Anthony - Physical and mental health
  • Lance Johnson - ALS 
  • Troops - Keep them safe
  • Elderly - Prayers for their safety and health.
  • Emergency Personnel - Keep them safe
  • Missionaries all over the world.
  • Jim Bo Thompson (friend of Joy Barnett) Health
  • Jazzmayne Radtke, Dinah Border's granddaughter - High risk pregnancy. Prayers for a safe delivery and healthy baby.  (They have relocated from Florida to Telephone, TX to be with her Dad during this hurricane.)
  • Wanda Huggins has been diagnosed with lung cancer.
  • Sandy Welch (Kristi Anthony's Mom) - Health
  • Matt Welch, youngest brother of Kristi Anthony, has been told that he needs a liver transplant.
  • Allyson Fasken (teacher at PISD) Cancer.
  • Janet Fouse - (former member) Cancer.
  • Joyce Fouse - Cancer 
  • Sierra Faulkner - 3 year old with cancer. (Friend of Molly's) - Had scans this week.  She got really good reports!!!
  • Jerry Savage cancer has returned and is aggressive. He is a preacher in Sulphur Springs.
  • Tammy Huffman Beazley - (former member) Cancer
  • Debbie Daniel (friend of Molly's) - Cancer
  • Please continue your prayers for the victims of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Jose and Katia.Remember the first responders who are already there and those traveling down there.  AND ... The linemen who will be restoring power. 
Butch Mills, Johnny Bassett, Harley Staley, Carol Murphy, Johnny Houser, Roy Jones, Paul and Carol Helton, Sarah Smith, Sarah Dene Goree, Donna Mosley, Peggy Wright, Smith and Kay Allen. 

YOUNG AT HEART:  Get ready for the County Fair!!!  SIGN UP NOW at the Welcome Center so we can make plans accordingly.  We are looking forward to a fun evening with this group!  Save the date...Sept 30th at 5:30pm-8pm.

RAINBOW ROOM ITEMS: Lice kits and boys clothing

PANTRY NEEDS:  Instant potatoes and diapers-size 3 and up

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This week's entree is Chicken Spaghetti. 
Be sure to sign-up on attendance card. As a reminder, the cost is $3 per plate. 

Sept 11:  Divorce Support Group will resume meeting
Sept 17-20: Abilene Christian University - Summit Lectureship
Sept 30: Young @Heart County Fair

Love you - MEAN IT!!