Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Prayer Request 6/30

Kevin and Benette Russell have BOTH tested positive for Covid-19. 
Hayden is negative and Holland has not been around them since the exposure.  
Kevin sent this message: We are feeling ok. Symptoms being; some fever, sore throat and, light cough.  Benette has had a headache, but she is better today. I am a little feverish today.

Prayer Request 6/30

Derald Bulls asked for its to pray for Laura Jordan.  She is a hair stylist at Colman's.  She is in very serious condition at PRMC/ICU. Laura needs to be in a hospital in Dallas... they are all full!
Her husband Rick also has the virus, but is not as serious as Laura.

July 12th Change of Service

HEY CHURCH! The decision has been made to reopen on Sunday, July 12th OUTDOORS AT THE PARIS CIVIC CENTER NORTH PAVILION! One service will be conducted at 9:00 a.m. That service will be videoed and available on our social media outlets later that day. More details to follow soon. Thank you so much for patience, understanding, and flexibility.

Our Sympathy...

Services for Freda Nell Banks, 90, of Canton, are scheduled for 11 am Thursday, July 2, 2020, at the Canton Church of Christ with Blake O'Quin and Clayton Conway officiating. Interment will be in Rockhill Cemetery in Quitman.
Freda was a former member at LACOC.

Our Sympathy...

Our condolences to Joe Ray's brother, Billy, passed away this morning. Arrangements will be posted as they become available. Please keep Joe, Cledith and the family in your prayers.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Our Sympathy...

Dee Lyons Mom, Dorothy Lyons, passed away suddenly this morning.
No details are known at this time.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Prayer Request 6/27

Derald Bulls sent this message: Please add my friend Billy Thomas to the prayer list. Billy began his career as a fireman here in Paris and retired from the Dallas fire department. He is having a number of health struggles right now. Thank you!

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Prayer Requests 6/24

As the number of positive cases, of the Coronavirus,
 increase, please keep yourself aware of washing your hands, wearing masks, and social distancing.
One of my coworkers tested positive this morning.
So say a prayer for her, and her healing, and our other coworkers!!

Obituary for Jimmy White

Jimmy Jefferson White, 83, of Paris, passed away Monday, June 22, 2020, at Paris Regional Medical Center. The family will schedule a memorial service at a later date. Cremation was under the care and direction of Bright-Holland Funeral Home.
Jimmy was born April 13, 1937, in Union, MS. He honorably served his country in the United States Army for two years. He was a pilot, a barber, and retired as an adjuster for MetLife. Jimmy & his wife, Nora, enjoyed music, and he was lead guitarist for a group in Paris and enjoyed playing music with Kenneth Marshall and friends on Tuesday afternoons. They also enjoyed camping and the outdoors. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge.
Preceding him in death were his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Lewis White, a sister, Nellie Ray Neese, and two brothers, Wilbur White and Buddy White.
Survivors include his wife, Nora McDowra White whom he married on May 14, 2002.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Our Sympathy ...

Nora White's husband, Jimmy, passed away this morning.
Please keep Nora and the family in your prayers.
Bright Holland will have charge of the services.

Update on Jimmy White - 6/21

Asking for prayers for Nora & Jimmy White. Things are not looking good today, they put him on the BiPAP machine, he couldn’t breath. He will not have heart cath tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Re-Opening Guidelines

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” (Philippians 2:3-4)

Dear Lamar Avenue Family,

We pray that everyone continues to be safe and well after what has been a difficult three months. The elders and ministers have begun planning to reopen Sunday, July 12th. We intend to take the recommended safety precautions very seriously in order to minimize infection risk. We know there is a difference of opinion about those precautions but ask for your understanding and Christ-like spirit, and willingness to observe. Our guidelines are listed below:
1. We will conduct two worship services (9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.) each Sunday to create the space needed to observe social distancing practices.
2. Because we want to keep large groups from congregating in the lobby, we ask that you wait until 8:45 am or 10:45 am before entering the building.
3. Members need to choose a service by completing an online form at this link, http://lacoc.org/worship-attendance-form, and attend only that service for now. If you do not have internet access please call the church office!
4. Recommended minimum distance guidelines will be implemented. There will be at least six feet of distance between those attending, except for those within the same family.  Two rows between each occupied pew will be roped off to facilitate the necessary spacing. 
5. Please wash your hands thoroughly before leaving your home for the worship service and avail yourself of the hand sanitizers in the building before you enter the auditorium.
6. Songbooks, Bibles, attendance cards and pencils will be removed from the pews to avoid having to sanitize them.
7. Doors, tables, pews and everything touchable will be sanitized before and after the worship service.
8. Wearing protective masks will be mandatory once you enter the building.
9. You will be given individual communion packets as you enter the auditorium. Used cups will be returned to the Ziplock bags for disposing of the packets after use.
10. There will be two boxes in the foyer to place your contribution as you enter the auditorium. The offering trays will not be passed.
11. The bathrooms will be available for use but please use only if necessary.
12. An unattended nursery will also be available but also please use only if necessary.
13. If you are not feeling well for any reason, you should not attend.
14. If you are an “at risk” individual due to having a chronic health issue or because you are over the age of 65, please prayerfully consider whether you should attend. If you are not comfortable with the safety aspects of meeting together, you should not attend. Please pray about this and make wise decisions for you and your family. The worship service will be live-streamed at 8:30 for those unable to attend or who choose not to attend.
15. All children must stay with their parents.
16. Unfortunately, there will be no fellowship activities (socializing, hugs, handshakes, etc.) in the auditorium or foyer before or after the service. Everyone will be asked to have those conversations outside the building.
17. Both entrances to our facility will be used; ushers will accompany you to your seat.
18. Dismissal will occur in a systematic, organized procedure.
19. No food or drink will be available and using the water fountains are discouraged.
20. No Sunday morning Bible classes nor Wednesday evening Bible classes will be offered at the building at this time.
21. Life Groups are encouraged to meet outside with social distancing guidelines observed.
These procedures may seem extreme to some of our members; for others, they will not be nearly enough. It is important to be flexible, forgiving and patient (and to have a sense of humor) as we take this step. Please remember that the goal is to worship our Creator and Savior as his body, collectively; for an indefinite time, this will look much different than how we have traditionally approached our worship together.
As time goes by, we expect to reevaluate and update these policies accordingly. As we work our way through this pandemic, it is vital that we cooperate with one another, extend each other grace, and be proactive in loving our brothers and sisters by looking to their needs and not just our own. One day soon, Lord willing, we will be able to put all this behind us. Until then, let’s stay safe, faithful, and positive.
Please continue to pray for July 12th! Please pray for the safety of our church family. Let us offer a prayer of gratitude for being able to be together again.

The Elders

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Prayer Request 6/16

Ora Henderson is in the hospital, PRMC/RM 406. Lesa Bulls visited with her & she is in good spirits. She experiencing heart & kidney issues.  She has kids coming in from California & Kansas!

Monday, June 15, 2020

Can you help?

Wayne Kerby is trying to help someone find an inexpensive car. If you have one or know of one for sale please let him know. Thanks!

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Prayer Request - 6/14

Please pray for Jimmy and Nora White. Jimmy is in ICU with pneumonia.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Prayer Request 6/

Joy Barnett will be having cataract surgery tomorrow 6/9 and would appreciate everyone's prayers.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Seven Reasons - 6/1/20

“7 Reasons Christians Disagree about When to Reopen & 3 Scriptures We must not Forget Because of That Disagreement” ~~Randy Johns
Seven Reasons Christians Disagree about When to Reopen:
1. Economical Some will argue churches need to reopen to resume consistent giving. Other respond with taking advantage of government assistance.
2. Practical Why be in a rush to reopen if we have to wear a mask and practice social distancing? Is it worth all that trouble right now?
3. Social Extroverts scream, “I am an outgoing, gregarious person! I need to see people!” Introverts quietly think, “This being alone is great!”
4. Generational Studies indicate those who are over the age of 65 are among those thought to be most susceptible to serious complications of COVID-19.
5. Medical Likewise, those with preexisting medical conditions are also especially vulnerable.
6. Political According to a poll from Rasmussen Reports, Republicans are more likely than Democrats or the unaffiliated to reopen the country.
7. Theological Some Christians, anxious to reopen, quote 2 Corinthians 5:7, “For we live by faith, not by sight” or use other biblical examples such as God delivering Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the fiery furnace (Daniel 3). Other Christians, being more cautious about reopening, quote Paul in 1 Corinthians 10:23-24, “I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but not everything is constructive. No one should seek their own good, but the good of others,” or quote Jesus when he was being tempted by the devil, “Do not put the Lord your God to the test” (Matthew 4:7).

Regardless, Three Scriptures We must not Forget:
1. “Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.” (Romans 15:7)
2. “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” (Ephesians 4:3)
3. “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” (Philippians 2:3-4)