Thursday, August 20, 2009

Prayer Request Update - 8/20 - 5:32pm

Dorothy Pearce sent this message this afternoon: "Jerry has made some progress with his therapy, and we are encouraged. We have been told he'll be in rehab until after Labor Day, and then his status at that point will determine our next step. We only request no phone calls to the room, but he enjoys visits. However, he's busy most of the day with the intense therapy and not really available for visits until around 5:00 p.m. or so. Please continue to keep him in your prayers. We really appreciate the out-pouring of love, care, support and prayers he's received. I would also request your prayers for my strength." Jerry is at PRMC/North.

Barbara Dean sent this message today: "Just wanted to let you know that Thelma & Louise (aka/Barbara Dean & Jean O'Neal) are off again. This time on a trip to Gatlinburg and the Smokey Mts. We request once more your prayers for our safety as we travel and while we are there. We will leave on the 21st and expect to return on the 30th. We always miss our church family; excited about going away but glad to get back to our loved ones. Thank you for your prayers. " ~~~Ok Girls, this time - do NOT keep the pedal to the metal!

Love you - MEAN IT!

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