Sunday, August 30, 2009

Prayer Request Update - 8/30 - 8:55pm

III John 2: "Dear friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy in body as you are stong in spirit."
Thanks, once again, Patrick, for the reminder that we all need to slow down and do the will of God. Even the country artists, Alabama, sing about it: "Do you ever feel like you rush and rush until life's no fun? We are all in a hurry and don't know why." This week, make the extra effort to slow down...take time with God.

Thanks to the guys from the Youth Group that led us in the devotional time after our pot-luck today. We are SO very blessed to have such a talented bunch of young men!

PRAISE: It was wonderful too see Ken Smith AND Dolores Parker at church this morning!

PRAISE: Jeremy Malone was baptized this morning! Jeremy is a student at PJC and works at Wal-Mart. He is a precious young man that ALWAYS has a great smile and a big hug ready! Jeremy, we are here for you and love you!

PRAISE: Naomi Bassett is proud to announce the arrival of her new great-grandson, James Preston Queen. He was born last Tuesday and weighed over 8 pounds.

PRAISE: I didn't know until Friday night that Zack Moss, who we've prayed for while he's been in Iraq, is back in the good ol' USA! He appreciates the MANY prayers that have been sent up on his behalf over this past year and is thankful to be home!

June Preston continues to be at home with hospice. She is now bedfast, but welcomes visits, cards and phone calls. Also, keep her daughters Kimi & Geri and their families in your prayers also.

Jerry Pearce continues his rehab in PRMC/North.

Alan & Sherrie Boyd's son, Shannon, will take his Physical Therapist Board Exam this Wednesday morning and Sherrie asks that we pray for Shannon to have a "ready recollection" of all he's learned this last few years.

Linda Erwin asked that we pray for her friend, Judy Mason, as she has surgery for breast cancer.

Lesa Bulls' friend, Stormie Scott's dad, Rick Evans, passed away. She also asked for continued prayers for Wesley Williams as he is contuning to recover from a kidney transplant this past week. Also Gwen Walker, who has been diagnosed with cancer - but has a good prognosis.

Clay & Maureen Spencer and their children are returning tonight from visiting with the Davidson's in Peru.

Charla Bishop asks that we keep Mike in our prayers as he will be traveling this week. And also for their daughter, Lindsey, as she starts new classes this week.

Kristi Garrett broke a bone in her right hand yesterday. She'll see an orthopedic Dr. tomorrow (8/31)....she is right-handed and a teacher - you know this is a big handicap for her.

Keely Kennedy asked for prayers for her Mom, Gwyn Kennedy, as she will be having cataract surgery tomorrow.

Gina Barnett says that her friend, Joyce Wells, needs prayers during this time of adjustment - her daughter is leaving for college.

Mark Barnett's friend, Curry Scott, had a kidney removed on Friday, that had a cancerous tumor on it.

Dinah Border also asked for continued prayers for her nephew, Jason Rowland, as he has multiple problems.

SIMPLE SUPPER: This weeks' entree will be Chili Dogs. If you didn't get the chance to sign up this morning, please call the church office by Tuesday noon to reserve your spot!

CLOTHES CLOSET: In need of men's clothing for all seasons.

PANTRY NEEDS: 1 pound packages of dry beans and rice
The pantry is still in need of EVERYTHING. 30 families were served this week with groceries and/or clothing!

Keep The Date
Sept 3: Men's "42" Night
Sept 9: Ladies Bible Class Resumes
Sept 12-13: Teen Fall Retreat at CDR
Sept 20: Family LIFE Groups
Oct 9-10: Father/Teen Camp Out
Oct 21: Blood Drive
Oct 25-26: No Debt/No Sweat Seminar
Nov 20-22: Family Retreat

Love you - MEAN IT!

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