Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Prayer Request Update - 11/17 - 8:54am

Shane Welch has been sick for over a week, running a very high fever, he has finally been diagnosed with pneumonia.  In fact they said that his right lung was "corroded".  The meds he's on should start making him feel like he's back to the land of the living.

Royce Fouse (former member of LACOC) has had pneumonia for the last three weeks.  He was admitted to the Hopkins Co. Memorial Hospital in Sulphur Springs where they did surgery to place a drain tube in his lungs.  He's out of ICU now and in a regular room and will continue to be there for the next week.

DON'T FORGET:  Thanksgiving Dinner is tomorrow night (Wednesday).  There is still a need for desserts!...desserts!...desserts!!!!!!

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