Sunday, November 29, 2009

Prayer Request Update - 11/29 - 7:23pm

"Stories That Transform Our Lives" is a series that Patrick started today.  Today's lesson covered Matthew 2:1-12.  He talked today about how "the search for Jesus never ends" and "the greatest gift we can give God is ourselves".  Thanks, as always, Patrick!

Thank you Richard Logan for the wonderful song service!  Lots of good ol' songs sounded great with so many people there today!

PRAISE:  Brittany Twitty went forward today, asking to be "re-identified" with LACOC.  Brittney has been away at school and is now back home!

Please remember the following in prayers:
  • Ed Bullard is still improving and will probably be moved to a regular room tomorrow afternoon.  The power of prayern is AWESOME!
  • Jerry Pearce continues to be in rehab at PRMC/South.
  • Jean King is in PRMC/North in rehab.
  • Vera Wilson is at home recovering from her heart surgery.
  • Kenny Rosson has cancer in the bone under his nose. (He's a friend of the Kerby's.) Please note...Kenny does not want any face-to-face visits at this time.
  • Sam Warren (Tammy Huffman's step-dad) got GREAT results this week on his test results.
  • Mike & Linda Erwin are proud grandparents of Miss Aubrey Elizabeth Erwin.  (Her parents are Kent & Joni.)  They are so blessed by a safe arrival and healthy baby.
  • Leanne Goodwin (friend of Keely Kennedy's) is going through a difficult divorce and would like prayers for comfort and peace for her and her girls.
  • Jim Vinson (Paul's Dad) is in rehab, recovering from knee replacement.
  • Vickie Vinson asked for prayers for 2 of her friends, Bobbie Hiner and Lil Guest.  They are both in local hospitals.
  • Matt & Lisa Denman's new twin baby nieces (Raegan & Rylee) were born 2 weeks ago.  One little girl came home, the other is still in the NICU with problems.  Some tests have come back abnormal for both girls.  Greg & Shelia would like prayers for their babies.
  • James LeFan (Derald Bulls' uncle) was just released from rehab of hip surgery.  Mike LeFan (DB's cousin) is having trouble with diverticulitis.
  • John Williams' 2 year old nephew, Emmett, begins a heavier dosage of chemo December 8th.  Three weeks later he will go in for surgery to remove the tumor.
  • Please keep Gerry Kelly and his children in your prayers as they mourn the loss of their wife/mom in Alabama yesterday.
  • My cousin, Leonard Trapp, passed away on Friday morning after a VERY long battle with cancer.  (He lived in the Dallas area.)
The PJC Lady Dragons basketball team will be involved in a tournament, during their Christmas break.  Once again LACOC will be providing meals for the girls.  Derald Bulls and Coach Sean LeBeauf will be getting back to us with details as the time draws near.

MAKING IT THROUGH THE HOLIDAYS: Patrick and Mike Bishop will have a grief support group/class on Wednesday evenings in December. (2nd-9th-16th) This group will meet in the Elder's Conference Room. Please sign up at the Welcome Center if you are interested in attending this class.
This time together will include praying and discussing ways to cope with grief, especially during the holidays.
If you, or someone you know, is grieving a loss, you are encouraged to attend this special time.

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks' entree will be Baked Potatoes. If you didn't get the chance to sign up Sunday morning, please call the church office by Tuesday noon to reserve your spot!

CLOTHES CLOSET: In desperate need of children's winter clothing.

PANTRY NEEDS: Peanut Butter & Jelly

Dec 2: Ladies Bible Class Luncheon @ Charolette Bollman's home.
Dec 3: Men's "42" Night
Dec 3: Ladies Ornament Exchange
Dec 6: Family LIFE Groups
Dec 12: Teen's Progressive Dinner
Dec 13: Secret Sister Tea (Bring your final gift and draw new names.)

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