Sunday, November 22, 2009

Prayer Request Update - 11/22 - 9:09pm

Thank you Patrick for sharing "The Bread of Life" with us today, and making us realize that we are to be thankful for what we have.  Thanksgiving is only 4 days away now, and as Americans, we have so much to be thankful for.  Take a moment and just remember all your matter how big or small!

Speaking of thankfullness.....THANK YOU to all of those who helped in ANY way with the Thanksgiving dinner last Wednesday night!  Over 250 people were served! 

MAKING IT THROUGH THE HOLIDAYS:  Patrick and Mike Bishop will have a grief support group/class on Wednesday evenings in December.  (2nd-9th-16th)  This group will meet in the Elder's Conference Room.  Please sign up at the Welcome Center if you are interested in attending this class.
This will include praying together and discussing ways to cope with grief, especially during the holidays.
If you, or someone you know, is grieving a loss, you are encouraged to attend this special time.

PRAISE:  Michael Clifford was baptized on Saturday.  He's the son of Eric and Melanie.

PRAISE:  Vera Wilson was able to be back with us again today after heart surgery and is still recovering.  She went forward this morning and asked that we continue to pray for her and she is so thankful that "God heard the prayers of the church".

PRAISE:  Pearl Holmes came forward this morning asking to be identified with LACOC.  (Granny Pearl is a sweetheart of a lady.)  She asked that we "pray that I may be of more service".

PRAISE:  Terry & Carol Jones, from Meridian, Mississippi, also asked to be identified with LACOC.

Our sympathy goes to Sandra Carrell and her family, upon the loss of her brother, Chuck Yarbrough of Waco this week.

Please keep the following people in prayer:
  • All those who will be traveling!
  • Ozella Lilly broke her arm.
  • Carole Anderson had tests on her heart this week.  She won't have any results until December 2.
  • Ellie Bivens was in Beaver's Bend with her family, on Saturday, and was rushed to the Idabel hospital last night with high fever and incredible pain.  She's been released from the hospital with no "real" diagnosis.  (Could be food poisoning ... could be a virus.)
  • Shane Welch is VERTICAL and feeling lots better.
  • Mary Ann Newman is haveing health problems.
  • Lindsay McCarter will have day surgery on Wednesday.
  • Dinah Border's daughter, Shamane, will have day surgery this week.
  • The Zant family is still mourning the loss of June.
  • Kenny Rosson has cancer in the bone under his nose.  (He's a friend of the Kerby's.)  Please note...Kenny does not want any face-to-face visits at this time.
  • David Nelson (Charlotte Grooms' brother) had lung surgery 2 years ago and is now waiting find out the results of his latest lung test and blood work.  Also, Charlotte's mother-in-law, Mona is having health problems.
  • Linda Erwin asked that we remember Kent & Joni on Wednesday as they welcome their new baby girl Aubrey.  Pray for a successful birth and healthy baby girl!
  • Paul Vinson's dad, James, will have his 3rd knee replacement on Tuesday.
  • Leah Dennison is still recovering from an automobile accident and had another surgery on Saturday.
  • Ray Faires (Doug's Dad) is thankful for prayers!  He is out of ICU and is now going into rehab.  He has a lung disease.
  • John Williams' 2 year old nephew, Emmett, is back from the hospital in Cincinnati and is starting to increase his chemo.  "The tough part is near now."
  • Joseph Gilmore (a friend of Pearl Holmes) has 3 children and is not with the mother of his kids.  He's having drug & alcohol issues.
  • Derald Bulls' friend, Adam Wright, is facing eye surgery.
CHRISTMAS BASKETS: If you know a familiy that is need of a food basket, please fill out one of the forms in the foyer, or talk with Gina Barnett. They need the family information by the end of this month.

CLOTHES CLOSET: In desperate need of children's winter clothing.


Nov 24: (Tuesday) Midweek Service (No meal this week)
Nov 26: Thanksgiving Day  (Office Closed)
Nov 27:  Office Closed
Nov 29: 5th Sunday and Potluck (No evening service)
Dec 2: Ladies Bible Class Luncheon @ Charolette Bollman's home.
Dec 3: Men's "42" Night
Dec 3: Ladies Ornament Exchange
Dec 6: Family LIFE Groups
Dec 12: Teen's Progressive Dinner
Dec 13: Secret Sister Tea (Bring your final gift and draw new names.)

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