Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Prayer Request Update - 11/24 - 10:40pm

Ed Bullard will have a quadruple by-pass in the morning.  He is "scheduled" to go to surgery at 6:15am.

Lindsay McCarter will have day surgery tomorrow.

The Joe & Suzanne Steece family was featured in the Christian Chronicle a couple of years ago.  They had quads & Mom blogs often to let everyone know how the kids are developing.  (They had 3 boys, Ben, Andrew & Ethan and 1 girl, Savannah.)  Little Sav has had to have kidney surgery before, but, today she had surgery to "uncross" her eyes.  Click on this link to read about this little family.

A couple of weeks ago our Sharing & Caring Class was asked to send cards to a 5 year old little boy, Noah Biorkman, who had cancer and wasn't expected to live to see Christmas.  All he wanted was to receive Christmas cards!  His parents have reported that Noah lost his battle Monday (11/23) peacefully.   Please click here to see his sweet little face and the story.

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