Monday, November 9, 2009

Prayer Request Update - 11/9 - 1:30pm

These are requests from yesterday:
  • Wayne Neal:  Brain Cancer - prognosis is not good.  Is in PRMC/South. Has already started radiation.  (Derald Bulls' friend.)
  • Phil Fletcher:  Recovering from by-pass, developed pneumonia, slowed recovery process.  (Derald Bulls' friend.)
  • Col. Dale Potter:  St. Chaplain at Ft. Hood - dealing with issues of death/injury on base.  (Derald Bulls' cousin.)
  • Donna & Nolan Whaley:  Prayers for healing in their marriage. (Friend of Vinson's.)
  • Debbie L. would like prayers for easing her pain, healing for her legs and to see that she gets the proper care that she needs.  (Keely Kennedy's friend.)
  • Chelsea Wells is battling infections, diabetes, cellulitis.  She is at Yale University and is a first year student.  Very stressful situation for her.  (Friend of Gina Barnett's)
  • Curry Scott has brain cancer.  The chemo is causing his blood sugar to rise and fall dramatically.  (Friend of Barnett's)
  • Mark Barnett asks for a prayer of thanksgiving that his tests came back good.

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