Thursday, December 10, 2009

Prayer Request Update - 12/10 - 10:51am

Lance Johnson has ALS (Lou Gherig's disease).  Please keep Lance, Cari, Selena & Sophia in your prayers.  He's having more complications.

Jay & Gay Spencer's new grand-son has been named.  His name is Quinn Spencer Phillips!

Jean King is now at HOME!  After 11 weeks in ICU and Rehab!

The Secret Sisters Revealing is this Sunday - Room 6 - 3-5pm!  Please bring the final gift for your S.S.
We will also be drawing for new Sisters - so, if you've never been a part, please come and join's so much fun and so uplifting!  If you have any questions, please see Kathy Daniels.

The church is in desperate need of someone to organize folks to take food to those that are sick, just come home from the hospital, etc.  Please contact Monica Jones if you would be interested in heading this up..

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