Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Prayer Request Update - 12/2 - 9:08pm

  • Ed Bullard is doing great, following his bypass surgery last week!  He went home today!
  • Jean King is continuing her rehab at PRMC/North.  They will do a CT scan and if it's ok - she may get to go home next Tuesday!
  • Jerry Pearce was able to go home one day during the holidays.  He hopes to be at home permanently by January 1st!
  • Charlie Parkman went home from the hospital today.  He has a treatable condition, but it is not curable.
  • Payden Daniels is in Children's Medical/Dallas.  He did have a couple of "episodes" today while he was hooked up to the machines. 
  • Carole Anderson's echocardiogram tests came back good today!
  • Mark Barnett is suffering with the shingles.
  • Merlan & Louise Payne are making their way to Paris!  They will be here for a year this time!  We pray for their safety during their drive here.
  • D.J. Bulls will graduate Dec. 12 from UT/Arlington with his Master's Degree in Choral Conducting and Music Theory.
I received this update from Brent & Jill Nichols (missionary team in Brazil) today:  "Hope you had a great thanksgiving and are getting ready for a happy holiday season. Things here are moving quickly as we hope to sign a contract in the coming week on a home for our worship services. Please continue to remember us in your prayers as there are still several obstacles to work around. God is faithful and is continually looking out for us. Have a blessed week and thank you for your support and encouragement."    Click here for this month's team newsletter.

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