Sunday, December 27, 2009

Prayer Request Update - 12/27 - 9:12pm

Charlie Parkman is very ill.  He can have no visitors, but would love your prayers.

Tim Keele's brother, Kevin Keele, was injured this past week in an auto accident.  He's now in Baylor/Dallas.

Linda Easton (friend of Charlotte Grooms) lost her grandmother this week.

Charlotte also asked that we continue to remember little Amber Morin in our prayers also.  She's the 4th grader from Justiss that is in Children's Medical/Dallas with a tumor.

Derald Bulls asked that we keep Karl Louis' family in our prayers.  Karl's father died on Christmas Eve and services will be on Tuesday.

A friend of Haley Bulls, Matt Chandler, has brain cancer and is undergoing chemo and radiation.

Jamie Hyatt will have her eye surgery coming up in the next few days.

Please keep all travelers on your prayer lists this week.  The weather changes at any we found out this week...and we want everyone back, safe and sound.

LACOC will be hosting the PJC Lady Dragons basketball team, starting tomorrow (Monday) as they have come back to Paris to get ready for a tournament.  LACOC will be providing meals for the girls on Monday, Tuesday & Thursday nights.  (Wednesday night they'll have friend chicken with us.)  Derald Bulls is heading up this outreach and can use the help. Please contact Derald for what you can bring and which night.

PANTRY NEEDS: Everything

SIMPLE SUPPER: This weeks' entree will be Fried Chicken. If you didn't get the chance to sign up Sunday morning, please call the church office by Tuesday noon to reserve your spot!

Jan 1: Church office will be closed
Jan 3: LIFE Groups
Jan 7: Men's "42" Night
Jan 13: Ladies Bible Class Resumes
Jan 15-17: Winterfest

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