Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Prayer Request Update - 1/05 - 2:32pm

On behalf of the elders, Richard Peace spoke to everyone on Sunday morning about the 2010 church budget.  There are copies available if you would like to look at it.

Our sister, Kasey Johnson, was baptized on Sunday morning by her Dad.

Congratulations:  Matt Hanley & Allison Boyd were engaged over the Christmas holidays.  They will be getting married in August of this year.

Please remember these in your prayers:
  • Charlie Parkman is in PRMC/North.  He can have visitors - but please limit your visits to just a few minutes.  (Wife JoAnn said that he just tires out really quick.)
  • Allen Jumper is in PRMC/South - broke his hip on Monday.
  • Kevin Keele (Tim's brother) - health.
  • Payden Daniels - recovering from having tonsils removed.
  • Juanita Samford ( Tammy Huffman's aunt) suffered a stroke on Sunday.
  • Tyler Graham & his brother Colby Andrews are grieving the loss of their mother, Rhonda McCleary.
  • Our sister Pearl Holmes is having health problems.
  • June Preston is continuing to be at home - she welcomes guests - preferably in the afternoons.
  • Kevin & Stacey Wood's daughter, Mallory, is going to be attending Boles Home.
  • Marcel Cooke is continuing to have problems with his foot injury.
CLOTHES CLOSET:  In need of children's winter clothing.  (Please bring only clean clothes, that are in good shape.)

PANTRY NEEDS:  Canned Meat


Jan 7:  Men's "42" Night
Jan 15-17:  WinterFest
Jan 13:  Ladies Bible Class Resumes

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