Thursday, January 28, 2010

Prayer Request Update - 1/28 - 11:50am

Audie & Vickie Neisler's new grandson's name is Kellen Paul.  He was born yesterday at 2:16pm.  His proud Mom & Dad are Jesse & Stephanie Neisler.

Kristi Lee is happily expecting a new baby!  Please pray for her health AND a healthy baby!

Sandra Leath is back in PRMC/South - Room 301 with pneumonia again.

Mitchell Hicks' mom, Hazel Hicks, is still in PRMC/North - Room 302 and probably will go to a nursing home next Wednesday.

Dot Campbell's nephew, Troy Smith 51, has terminal cancer and a short life expectancy.

Anna Zant's mother, Christine Mashburn, is a home recouperating from surgery/broken hip.

Amy Owens ask that we add Matt Wood (Tom's son) to the prayer list. "Matt has left for Haiti a few days ago for six months and maybe leaving for Afghanistan in August. He is up in the Black Hawks and we just pray for his safety!"

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