Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Prayer Request Update - 2/17 - 9:55pm

Our sweet sister, Mary Sharber, is so close to her homecoming with our Lord!  She was still alert this evening!  God bless our sister and her journey HOME!

Charlie Parkman's friends & family visitation time will be Friday night at the LACOC foyer from 6-8pm.  Funeral services will be at 10am at LACOC with burial at 4pm at Tennessee Colony near Palestine.

Shari Wisham has been diagnosed with breast cancer and the cancer is in her chest wall also.  She will be having surgery after further testing.  She is a single Mom of 2 of our little Latch Key kids.

Roselyn Spencer had an accident at church tonight.  She got a bad cut on her head and was already being stitched up when church was over!

Aubrie McCarter has strep throat.  She was feeling better tonight.

Alexis Daniels' has an ear infection and has started steroids for a terrible cough.

Brody Dyess has an ear infection and RSV.

Phyllis Giguere is at home recovering from her day surgery.  She is doing well.

Lonnie Kennedy had open heart surgery today.  He had 3 arteries that were 98% blocked!  He is in PRMC/North - ICU.

Amber Morin (10 yr old Justiss student) is finally at home!  She's been in Children's Medical Center since before Christmas!

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