Monday, February 22, 2010

Prayer Request Update - 2/22 - 6:31pm

Jackie Helm's grandmother, Katherine Elizabeth Helm, passed away on Saturday.  She lived in Oklahoma. Jackie was very close to her grandmother...please keep her in prayer.

I just talked with Judy Trammel, she says that Henry had prostate surgery last Wednesday.  After all the tests came back, they found that he has prostate cancer.  He has to heal for 6 weeks from the surgery and then they will start radiation treatments.

Jered sent a reminder this afternoon:  "We will be helping with the Habitat for Humanity house on
Saturday, March 6. We will prepare a meal for lunch and take it to the crew working, which I hope includes some of us. We need help on both. For those teens that are 16-17 they simply need a release form. 18 and up need no release forms. Teens under 16 can help with serving lunch but not on the house. We need adult help too. Sign up on the youth board or send me an e-mail. This is not an all day event probably just a couple of hours. More details coming later. Special thanks to Jason McGee for coming up with this idea to work in the community back in the the summer."

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