Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Prayer Request Update - 2/24 - 8:51pm

Marie Figgins' fell down the stairs in their home this afternoon.  She was taken to the PRMC/S ER for tests and x-rays.  No other details are known at this time.

Robyn Figgins' has strep throat.

Joe Daniels went back to the Dr. this week.  He has NO histoplasmosis in his lungs!  (WooHOOO!)  His lungs are CLEAR....except for some scar tissue.  But, no more Dr. visits until August!

Lucas Simpson, the Usry's grandson, will be going to Boles Home next Wednesday (3/3) for an extended period of time.

Johnny Nabors' brother, Phillip, is continuing to have health problems.  He still has a staph infection, but it is now a "super bug".

Monica Baeza, Carlos, passed away yesterday.  They are neighbors of Derald & Lesa Bulls.

Ali Brooke Cobb, 2 yr old daughter of Christopher Cobb, passed away this week. Christopher is a former employee of Wayne Kerby.

Sandra Leath continues to be in PRMC/S - Room 306.

Johnny Bassett is in PRMC/N.

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