Thursday, February 25, 2010

Prayer Request Update - 2/25 - 12:27pm

Dinah Border sent this message:  "Anna Zant says they FINALLY have her mother, Christine Mashburn, in rehab PRMC/N Room 308. (That is a prayer answered!!)"  Dinah also added that Mr. Mashburn and Anna are worn out. I thank God that she agreed to go and a room came available.

Joy Barnett asked that we  "...keep my son Jerry in their prayers. He is having a hard time finding a job and it is putting pressure on the new marriage. To give him strength and to put his troubles into the hands of God, and that the Lord's will be done."

Linda Erwin sent this message:  "Please add DeeDee Freelen, who works at Chisum, to the prayer requests.  She is undergoing tests for a shadow/possible mass on her heart."

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