Sunday, February 7, 2010

Prayer Requests - 2/7 - 10pm

Thank you Patrick for the wonderful lesson today!  We all need to remember how much we need to rely on God and KNOW that He is there for us at all times.  "God is good all the time.  All the time God is good."

Kyle the song service was AWESOME this morning!  You led songs that I hadn't heard in a while!  (My personal favorite was Days of Elijah!  I love that song!)

Loretta Nabors went forward this morning, in response to Patrick's sermon.  Saying that "God is put back where He needs to be."

Don Thompson (Ethel Leme's husband) asked to be identified with LACOC today.

PRAISE:  It was so good to see our brother Charlie Parkman at worship this morning.  We're so glad that he felt well enough to be with us.  And also, Johnny Bassett was with us this morning also.  It's good to see him and his sweet smile with us again!
  • Mary Sharber became ill during church today and was taken to the hospital.
  • Jack Smith (Robyn Figgins' uncle) passed away Friday morning.  Funeral services are pending.
  • Jane Stawn (Pete & Lillian Taylor's friend) is suffering from a long-term illness.
  • Cari Johnson asked for a specific prayer today for her husband Lance.  He has ALS and Cari stated that "he needs a lot of prayers for his strength".
  • Donna Haile (the Vinson's friend) has the shingles.
  • Charla Bishop asked for prayers for Mike and Lindsey as they are both traveling.
  • Michelle Anderson will have an echocardiogram and a stress test on Monday and Tuesday.  Her gallbladder surgery has been postponed until Thursday or Friday.
  • Tim Tabangcora (friend of Mindy Bulls) is having health issues.
  • Paige Bowden Pearson (former member at LACOC) has a friend, Jenny Bizaillion, who has sepsis and is fighting for her life.  (Jenny attended ACU with Paige.)
  • Anna Zant's Mom, Christine Mashburn, fell and broke her hip and is not doing well.
  • Doc Walton (friend of Vera Wilson) has colon cancer and is need of an operation.
  • Sherry Welch will see a cornea/cataract specialist on Tuesday (2/9) to be evaluated.
  • Please keep Debra Usry and her family in your prayers this week as they have decisions to be made about Lucas.  They have an interview at Boles Home this Thursday.
  • Tammy Huffman asked for prayers for her step-dad, Sam Warren.  He's recently been diagnosed with cancer.  Tammy's husband, Robert, was laid off from his job at Sara Lee.  Also, her friend, Dusti Darnell, is having personal problems.
NEW ADDRESS/PHONE LISTS:  We have lots of new members and members who have moved in the last year...we have to keep up with everyone!  So, there is a new list on the Welcome Center.

HAITI CONTRIBUTION:  You may still make a donation.  Please give your gift to one of the Elders or bring it to the church office.  (As of today LACOC had generously given over $11,000.)

TRANSPORTATION MINISTRY: If you are willing to pick-up folks on Sunday and/or Wednesday evenings, please see Shane Welch or Jimmy Thielman.

LADIES BOOK STUDY/REVIEW: If you are a reader and would love to spend some time talking about what you've read, please to show up in the church library at 4:30pm, Sunday, Feb. 14th.  The first meeting will be organizational.  Bring a book you'd like to discuss.  We will choose a book for our first study/review for March 14. The focus will be on the Christian Fiction genre.

PANTRY NEEDS: Pasta & Spaghetti Sauce

CLOTHES CLOSET: The only need is for children's clothes. Please bring only clean clothes that are in good shape.

SIMPLE SUPPER:  Hopkins County Chicken Stew. If you didn't get the chance to sign up on Sunday morning and would like to eat Wednesday night, please call the church office by noon on Tuesday.

Feb 14:  Ladies Book Study/Review Organizational Meeting - 4:30 - church library
Feb 21: Family LIFE Groups
Mar 4:  Men's "42" Night
Mar 14:  Ladies Book Study/Review group
Mar 17: Blood Drive
April 2-3: LTC Convention/Dallas

Hope everyone has a great week!
Love you - MEAN IT!

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