Thursday, March 18, 2010

Prayer Request Update - 3/18 - 8:40am

Johnny Bassett is in PRMC/North - Room 517.  He is alert and doing well.

Robbie Padgett's brother, Jeff Keen, is having serious problems with his heart.  Doctors have said they've done all they can.  Robbie's Mom, Sandra Leath, finally got to go home from the hospital.

Derald & Lesa Bulls' granddaughter, MacKenzie, is doing better.  It was discovered that she has pneumonia in one lung.

Joe Slagle (Gary Border's cousin about 46 yrs old) has a serious infection, his kidneys are shutting down, he's on a ventilator. He's in ICU at Doctor's Hospital/Dallas.

Darren Ausmus (Jerry McFadden's nephew about 35 yrs old) is diabetic from childhood, was in surgery yesterday afternoon having 5 heart bypasses.

Leston Maggard's sister, Joyce Condor, had surgery yesterday at PRMC-S. She is resting well today.

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