Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Prayer Request Update - 3/23 - 5:47pm

Talked with Curtis this afternoon...he said that Landon used his right hand to put bacon in his mouth this morning!  AND...he walked...YES, I said WALKED (with a walker) in the rehab area.  God is SO good!  Thank you Lord for providing movement!  
UPDATE @ 9:45pm:  I got this message from Curtis tonight: "Just to let you know...Landon has walked some today...with a walker...but walked. He is making himself use his right hand. He is in good spirits. Please keep praying. He has a long way to go but he says he is gonna do it."

There will be an Easter Egg Hunt for the Jr. Jam kids, this Sunday at 2:00 at Curt & Melissa Poore's house 7983 CR 42500.  Bring your baskets angot a message from Curtis tonight: "Just to let you know...Landon has walked some today...with a walker...but walked. He is making himself use his right hand. He is in good spirits. Please keep praying. He has a long way to go but he says he is gonna do it."d be ready to have lots of fun!

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