Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Prayer Request Update - 3/3 - 5:05pm

Our sympathy goes to our sister, Evelyn Perry.  Her brother, Taylor Kirkham, passed away this week.  There will be a graveside service on Thursday @2pm in Burleson.

June Preston's daughters have asked for volunteers to sit at her home on Thursday night (5:30-7:30) and Friday (10a-6p).  Contact Dinah at the church office (903-785-0387) if you can help.

Sandra Leath continues to be in PRMC/S - Room 306.  The pneumonia is better, but she has bloodclots.

Ann Huffman has been released from the hospital.

Sarah Smith's brother, Tommy Clem, has been transferred to Legends - Room 503.

Joe Hayes' friend, Donna Phelps, is seriously ill.  She is in Legends - Room 102.

Debra Usry just called.  She is on her way home from taking Lucas to Boles Home today.  He'll start school tomorrow.

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