Monday, March 8, 2010

Prayer Request Update - 3/8 - 3:32pm

Ed Bullard went to the ER this afternoon with some heart issues They changed his meds and sent him home.  He'll follow up with Dr. Hashmi later this week.

Amy Owens sent this request:  "I wanted to add my coworker's grandson, Tristan 12 yr old to the prayer list. Tristan, is having some heart problems and is having a heart cath done this morning at Children's. I know Tristan is scared and needs our prayers!! Thank you!! "

BLOOD DRIVE:  March 17th the Carter Blood Center Van will be here from 3:30p-8:00p.

  • Change for Children Drive  - This will benefit Boles Home and Medina Children's Home.
  • Diaper Drive - Lubbock Children's Home is in need of size 2-3 Pull-Ups.  Please place the packages by the children's wing.
SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks entree' will be Taco Soup.  If you didn't get the chance to sign up on Sunday morning and would like to eat with us on Wednesday night, please call the church office at 903-785-0387 to reserve your spot.  Still only $2.

PANTRY NEEDS:  Boxes of crackers

Mar 14:  Book Club/Review
Mar 17:  Blood Drive
April 1:   Men's "42" Night
April. 2-3:  LTC  Convention
April 23-25:  Camp Deer Run Spring Retreat

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