Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Prayer Request - 4/28 - 11am

Robert Simmons a 25 yr old mechanic at Hicks Muffler, was seriously injured Sunday in a 4-wheeler accident in the mountains of Oklahoma.  They took him to the hospital in Antlers, then CareFlighted him to Texarkana and he was finally CareFlighted to Little Rock. He has 3 broken vertebrae & nerve damage.  The drs have told him that he has a tremendous amount of nerve damage and would probably never return to work or be able to stand up straight again and would walk with a cane the rest of his life.  His operation was started this morning and he is still in surgery as of now.
Robert has a wife and 2 little girls and NO insurance.  There is a benefit account being set-up for him at First Federal.

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