Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Prayer Request Update - 4/14 - 12:34pm

Brad Smith (Robyn Figgins and Cari Johnson's brother) is in PRMC/N-Heart Hospital.  He's had a couple of episodes in the last couple of days and was taken to the ER this morning.  They realized that it was heart related, got an ambulance to take him to North.  On the way over there, the paramedics had to give him a nitroglycerin tablet to stablize him.  No other details at this time.

Dick House is in PRMC/S.  Dixie, his daughter, said he went in the hospital Monday before last.  He will be having rehab and then return to Springlake.

Evelyn Perry said that Kyle Perry, is somewhat better Evelyn said. He's going back to Dallas in the near future for another proceedure.

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