Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Prayer Request Update - 4/21 - 9:26pm

Mike Shields (the preacher @ First Assembly of God across the
street) has had cancer for 4 years and has faught so hard.  The news he got today was not good.  The CT & MRI showed new tumors have begun to grow, where there had been none before.
I talked with his wife Judy tonight and she asks that we pray specifically for peace.  For both of them.  The doctors have never talked "time" with them before, but he did today.  Mike and Judy have a strong faith that with the power of prayer this nasty cancer will be gone!  Judy says that they want to believe God's report not a medical report!
This following message is what Bro. Mike wrote on facebook tonight:  "I certainly desire your prayers. The doctor told me things today that I didn't want to hear. According to the scans, there are numerous tumors now in my lungs and my liver. I know God is able, so now, we need to see Him work. I will begin chemo on May 10. Please stand with us in prayer during this time. The doctors can't operate or radiate, but My God can obliterate!"  So, here's the deal.  Stop.  Right now. Pray!

Hunter Harroff (grandson of the McClain's) broke his arm tonight, in 2 places.  Shawn & Lisa live in deep east Texas and are on their way to the hospital in Tyler for surgery.  No other details are known at this time.

Evelyn Perry's son, Kyle, was to have cancer surgery today.  They started, knew there was nothing they could do, and closed him back up.  Please keep the Perry family on your heart. 

JoAnn Parkman's back surgery was a success and she is feeling well.

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