Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Prayer Request - 5/12 - 8:30am

Peggy Jack sent this prayer request:  "Please pray for Larry Martin of Garland, TX. Larry is my nephew, is 52 years old and is having brain surgery tomorrow, May 12 at 12:30noon at Zale Lipshy Hospital in Dallas."

Margaret Lough sent this PRAISE report:  "Thought I'd let you know my CT scan came back with nothing new on it. Whooohooo! I am feeling much relieved. I'm going to have lab work done monthly for a while to watch my CA125 numbers. Hopefully my numbers will continue to stay within the normal range. (Perhaps 'normal' for me is going to be the upper end of the normal range. ") Doctor was happy and so am I. Thanks for all your prayers while I fretted. Now isn't that a nice southern term?!"

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