Monday, May 24, 2010

Prayer Requests - 5/24 - 3:09pm

Please keep the following in your prayers:
  • Payden Daniels - had 4 seizures last night and a trip to the ER.  They're just waiting for Children's Medical to get him in around June 21st and get him tested again.
  • Tommy Clem - Health (Sarah Smith's brother)
  • Lillian Taylor - Health problems
  • Cynthia Yates - Recovering from fall. (Charlotte Grooms' friend)
  • Christine Mashburn - She is finally getting stronger. (Anna Zant's Mom)
  • Kim Lane (friend of Mark Barnett) had a biopsy on a lump this past week.  Dr. said it didn't look good - but no results yet.
  • Ty VanMeter (friend of Mark Barnett) had a 4-wheeler accident a while back and broke his pelvis,  His bone is not growing back as it should.
  • Jill Faires' asked that we keep Audrey and the Dry Bones program in our prayers.  She asked for blessings and care - keeping them safe and healthy to work for HIM.
  • Louise McMillan (my Mom) has been placed on hospice.  Her health has GREATLY deteriorated in the last couple of months and the doctor felt it necessary at this time.  We feel so blessed that we've had her for 89 years and that she has been so happy "in her mind" these last 11 years.  I know that hospice doesn't mean "the end" just means comfort, care and dignity.
LADIES RETREAT: There will be a Ladies Retreat at Jan-Kay Ranch! Mark your calendars for July 30-31. The cost will be $65 per person, this includes 3 meals. Some scholarships are available.

SIMPLE SUPPER: This weeks entree will be Cavitini. If you didn't get the chance to sign up on this morning, you still have the chance to come and eat with us by calling the church office by noon on Tuesday.

PANTRY NEEDS: Bath Soap & Toilet Tissue

DON'T FORGET:  Blood Drive is this Wednesday night (5/26).  3:30-8pm

ANOTHER DON'T FORGET:  5th Sunday Format is this Sunday (5/30).  After morning worship, we'll have a potluck lunch, short devo and then be dismissed for the day.  Bring enough food for your family and a little extra for our guests. 

May 26: Blood Drive
May 30: 5th Sunday Potluck
June 3: Men's "42" Night
June 5: Take meal to those working for Habitat for Humanity (sign up on youth board)
June 5: Westwood Church of Christ - VBS - Ages 4-12 - details on the bulletin board
June 6: Promotion Sunday - 5th graders move into the Youth Group
June 6: Newcomer's Banquet
June 6: Boyd/Hanley Wedding Shower
June 8:  Terrific Tuesday starts today - Trip to Gainesville Zoo
June 10: Family trip to Frisco Rough Rider game. (Tickets $15/includes food & drinks.)
June 12: Alvin & Lilla Buchanan's 40th Wedding Anniversary  Celebration
June 13: Matt Wickes & Erica Eason's Wedding Shower
July 30-31: Ladies Retreat @ Jan-Kay Ranch


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