Friday, June 4, 2010

Prayer Requests - 6/4 - 9:27pm

Valerie McClain sent this message today:  "Debra Daughtry, who, with her son Trevor, have been attending LACOC, fell while rollerskating at Parker Elementary's 5th grade end of year party at the Family Fun Center today. I was told she broke both wrists and will have to have surgery on one of them at 9 AM Sat. morning."   (Debra has also been helping in the kitchen on Wednesday nights.)

Lesa Bulls sent this message today:  "Joyce Coulter, an ex-teacher at NLISD, has had a brain aneursym and is not doing well at all. It is just a matter of time from what I can hear.  Keep the family in prayer."  (Mrs. Coulter's son Nicci has Down's and is a precious young man.)

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