Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Weekly Update - 6/8 - 9:48am

It's gonna be a VERY busy Summer.  There's lots of things going on at LACOC.
Tomorrow night (Wednesday) the Summer Interns will be speaking.  Men in the foyer, ladies in the Outreach. 
Next week, the men of the congregation will start their Summer Series on Wednesday nights.  We'll have a time of praise and worship, followed by one of the men speaking.
Terrific Tuesdays started today with the kids going to the Zoo.
The baptistery is being repaired, so our worship services this Sunday morning will be in the Outreach BldgThere will be 2 morning worship services...the first one at 8:45am and 10:00am.  Morning Bible classes will be moved to 6pm in place of the evening worship service.  Children's worship will only be offered at the 10am service.  JAM & Jr JAM will meet at the regular times.

Please continue to remember Debra Daughtrey in your prayers as she recovers from her surgery.  (She fell at the Parker Elem. skating party with her son and broke both wrists.)

Kacy Mills sent this message today:  "My mother is out of the hospital but her blood sugar is still going over 300 the lowest it has been is 266.  So, please keep her in your prayers."

SECRET SISTERS: Our S.S. tea will be Sunday afternoon, June 13th at 3pm. We'll reveal ourselves and draw names again for the next 6 months.

LADIES RETREAT: Ladies Retreat at Jan-Kay Ranch! Mark your calendars for July 30-31. The cost will be $65 per person, this includes 3 meals. Some scholarships are available.

SIMPLE SUPPER: This weeks entree will be Chicken Cordon Bleu. If you didn't get the chance to sign up on Sunday morning, you still have the chance to come and eat with us by calling the church office by noon on Tuesday.

PANTRY NEEDS:  Cans of Green Beans & Corn


June 10: Family trip to Frisco Rough Rider game. (Tickets $15/includes food & drinks.)
June 12: Alvin & Lilla Buchanan's 40th Wedding Anniversary Celebration - 12noon @ Magel's
June 13: Matt Wickes & Erica Eason's Wedding Shower (1:30-3pm)
June 13: Secret Sister Tea (3-5pm)
June 13: Faithful Readers Group Meets ("In Harm's Way" by Irene Hannon)
June 16:  Clint Spencer will speak
June 23:  Doug Faires will speak
June 26-July 1:  Uplift @ Harding
June 30:  Tom Wood will speak
July 1:  Men's "42" Night
July 7:  Paul Vinson will speak
July 11:  Daniel Hayes' Wedding Shower
July 14:  Elton Weeks will speak
July 18:  KFC Family & Friend Day
July 21:  Keith Bollman will speak
July 28:  Clint Gage will speak
July 30-31: Ladies Retreat @ Jan-Kay Ranch
Aug 4:  Derald Bulls will speak

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