Thursday, July 22, 2010

Prayer Requests - 7/22 - 10:43am

June Jones visitation & funeral will be tonight at the Lamar Avenue church building.  Visitation will be at 6pm and her funeral will be at 7pm.

PRAISE:  Margaret Lough sent this e-mail this morning:  "I am happy to report the result of my lab work this week. My number was 30.6...down 5.6 points from six weeks ago. I am now within the normal range again (below 35). This is the first time my number has gone down in the past 19 months. I appreciate all of your prayers so much and praise God for this blessing. I continue to feel well and pray this is an indication that I am not out of remission at this time. Please continue to remember me in your prayers in the months ahead. I will be going in monthly for a while to have my numbers checked."

James Walker will NOT have a kidney removed, as previously thought.  He will have more kidney tests and will have prostate surgery on July 26th at Baylor.

Louise Peace had her pacemaker inserted on Tuesday and is doing well.
Jamie Womack, a 7th grader at Prairiland was accidently shot in the face last week.  He's doing better and has been released from the hospital.  (His grandparents that have raised him and his brothers are Danny & Donna Womack.)

Randi Haggard asked us to pray for a lady over in Hugo.  She's a sister to one of Randi's friends.)  This lady was stabbed 75 times on Tuesday night! 

Former Paris Police Chief, Karl Louis, has been diagnosed with prostate cancer.  Please keep him on your prayers.

Curtis Garret sent this update from his co-worker regarding her granddaughter.  (The picture on the left is of the little girl.  I think it's always good to see the person that you are praying for!  And, what a precious one it is.)  "Nevaya has started her chemo treatments. They are for 5 days at a time. She will have 2 weeks off and then 6 cycles of chemo and during that they will start radiation. This will take 14 months. I appreciate the thoughtfulness and everything you’ve done for my granddaughter, Nevaya.  Thanks a lot."

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