Sunday, July 18, 2010

Weekly Update - 7/18 - 9:11pm

What a great day at Lamar Avenue!  There were LOTS of visitors here for Friends & Family Day.  Over 200 had lunch after worship and the foyer was FULL of those watching the illusionist, Todd McKinney.  It was a great success!  Thanks to Kyle Jones and his group for the wonderful lunch!  Thanks also to Tanya Welch for coordinating the fun time the kids (and adults) had with Todd.
Patrick continued his 5th lesson in the series "His Story/My Story".  He reminded us of the story of the Prodigal Son and how God always welcomes us home!  Thanks Patrick for your wonderful messages each Sunday!

WELCOME:  To Charles, Leslie, Katie & Bud Wampler.  They've been attending with us for a while now, and have decided to make LACOC & Paris their home.  Charles is out of the country quite a bit, but Leslie will be here with us.  Their son Bud is a recent graduate of M.I.T. and will leave soon to work overseas also.  Their daughter Katie is continuing her education at Texas Tech.
  • Please remember our Medical Mission Group that will be traveling to Peru this Thursday.  17 from LACOC will be in Lima, Peru with John Mark & Tara Davidson and their mission team.
  • June Jones has been in PRMC/South ICU with pneumonia since Thursday.  She is in serious condition.
  • Gina Barnett had gallbladder surgery on Friday.  She is thankful that she is feeling better.
  • Continue to remember Dennis Malone, he has cancer and is experiencing lots of pain.
  • James Walker is having serious health issues and will be having a kidney removed soon.
  • Louise Peace will have a pacemaker inserted on Tuesday (7/20).
  • Danny Bulls asked that we keep the family of Coleman Wood in our thoughts and prayers.  Coleman passed away yesterday at the age of 35, leaving a wife and son.
  • Wesley Parker, a friend of Jerry & Diane McFadden, is continuing to have issues with his heart.  But, he is feeling much better.
  • Linda Loftice, wife of Doug Faires' co-worker, will be having procedures on her back soon.
  • Jerry Smith, Father of Robyn Figgins and Cari Johnson, will be having surgery this Wednesday.
DON'T FORGET LADIES: The first H.A.L.O. (Helping Another Loving Others, meeting will be this Thursday night (7/22) at 6pm in the Outreach Bldg. Bring an item for the pantry & finger foods to share! We're gonna have a great time - and help others at the same time!
LADIES RETREAT: Will be NEXT weekend (July 23-24) at Jan-Kay Ranch. It's still not too late to go. It's only $55 and includes 3 meals. If you've never been on a Ladies don't know what you are missing! LOTS OF FUN!

SCHOOL BACKPACKS:  It's time to start thinking about backpacks for the kiddos at Justiss Elementary. Charlotte Grooms stated that: "I will be glad to take cash if people had rather do that. It makes the kids feel special to get a new backpack. I watch the adds and lot of times you can get 2 for the price of one."

SIMPLE SUPPER: This weeks entree will be Hoagie Sandwiches. If you didn't get the chance to sign up on Sunday morning, you still have the chance to come and eat with us by calling the church office by noon on Tuesday.  Still only $2.

PANTRY NEEDS: Canned Meats
CLOTHES CLOSET: Is in need of summer clothes…all kinds.

July 21: Keith Bollman will speak
July 22: H.A.L.O. Organizational Kick-Off Meeting @ 6pm
July 23-24: Ladies Retreat @ Jan-Kay Ranch
July 23-31: Youth Trip/Wilderness Trek
July 28: Clint Gage will speak
Aug 1: Wedding Shower for Bethany Skinner @1:30-3:30pm
Aug 4: Derald Bulls will speak
Aug 5: Men's "42" Night
Aug 6-7: Disciple NOW with Larry Nunley
Aug 7:  Allison Boyd/Matt Hanley wedding
Aug 8:  Faithful Readers
Aug 25: Wayne Kerby will speak

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