Thursday, August 26, 2010

Prayer Request Update - 8/26 - 10:56am

DON'T FORGET:  5th Sunday Format - THIS SUNDAY!  After morning worship, we'll meet in the Outreach Bldg. for a potluck lunch, a short devo, then be dismissed for the day!  Be sure to bring a little extra for our guests! 

Payden Daniels has been having seizures again.  He's had 6 since last Friday!  They are doing blood tests to see if maybe medication needs to be changed.  He started Pre-K this week and loves school!  Please specifically pray that these seizures will stop and he can enjoy school!

Our brother Wayne Tolbert has been diagnosed with lung cancer.  He's been going for treatments EVERYDAY for the last 6 weeks, he finishes these up on Friday.  He'll get to rest for 2-4 weeks then see the Dr. for further testing/treatments/surgery.  Please keep Wayne & Myra in your prayers during this time.

Randi Haggard has been having back problems and has a Dr. appointment on Monday (8/30).  She's having problems getting any relief at all right now.

Margaret Lough sent this message this morning:  "God continues to bless me...I broke out in tears when I received my CA-125 test results today. My number dropped dramatically from last month's reading, which had finally dropped back into the normal range after 19 months of going up, up, up. I was happy last month...I am ecstatic today. I appreciate all of the prayers you have sent up on my behalf.  I praise God from whom all blessings flow! He has been exceedingly, abundantly gracious to me."  (WoooHOOOOO!  God Bless You Margaret!)

Debra Usry has been hired by PJC to teach a Continuing Education course on Beginning Geneology.  WoooHOOO - Way to go Debra!

Garyon Sims & Tiffany Dozier lost everything in a fire, at the duplex they rent, this past Tuesday afternoon.  Tiffany has a little boy Denver (4 yrs old), that will start Pre-K on Sept. 7th.  If you would like to donate furniture, clothes or money (which will go towards the deposit/rent on a new place) please contact me at 903-669-4382 and I will get things picked up and get delivered to them.  They are in need of ALL household items, clothing, just basically ANYTHING.  Listed below are sizes:
Garyon:  Size 36 pants - XL shirts - size 10 shoes
Tiffany:  Size 18 pants - XL shirts - size 8 shoes
Denver - Size 5-6 clothes, size 12 shoes

The Benevolence Clothes Closet is VERY low on everything...especially children's clothing and shoes right now.

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