Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Prayer Requests - 8/17 - 8:27pm

Linda Erwin posted this message tonight:  "I talked wih Janet Stripland tonight. Matthew's surgery took nine hours. She said that the Dr. told them that Matthew was talking to him afterward and could tell him his name. Jimmy and Janet were waiting to get to go in to see him. She said that it was a very long day but the nurse called them every 45 minutes to an hour all day to report on how things were going."

Abby Cannon had an ulcer removed from her lip today.  She said that her lip felt "all swelled up" and she had to have stitches too.  She was eating ice cream earlier and was feeling great!

James Hanley was helping Matt & Allison move this weekend and ended up in the hospital.  Clay posted that "he overworked himself, got dehydrated, and ended up with a kidney stone, he is out of the hospital and chillin' in Matt's apartment right now."

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