Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Prayer Requests - 8/3 - 9:57pm

Debra Usry sent this message:  "Lloyd Usry and Charlotte Cannon's cousin, Harriet L. Gilbert, is going to have surgery for bladder cancer. She has battled this cancer for the last 8 years. Please add her to the prayer list."

SCHOOL BACKPACKS: It's time to start thinking about backpacks for the kiddos at Justiss Elementary. Charlotte Grooms stated that: "I will be glad to take cash if people had rather do that. It makes the kids feel special to get a new backpack. I watch the adds and lot of times you can get 2 for the price of one."

SIMPLE SUPPER: This weeks entree will be Mexican Stack-ups. If you didn't get the chance to sign up on Sunday morning, you still have the chance to come and eat with us by calling the church office by noon on Tuesday. Still only $2.

PANTRY NEEDS: Pasta & Canned Vegetables

CLOTHES CLOSET: Is in need of summer clothes…all kinds.

Keep The Date:

Aug 4: Derald Bulls will speak
Aug 5: Men's "42" Night
Aug 6-7: Disciple NOW with Larry Nunley
Aug 7: Boyd/Hanley Wedding
Aug 8: Faithful Readers
Aug 11: Clint Gage will speak
Aug 15:  Bailey Ray's "Blue" Baby Shower
Aug 21:  Skinner/Holland Wedding
Aug 22: April McClour's "Blue" Baby Shower
Aug 25: Wayne Kerby will speak

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