Sunday, August 15, 2010

Weekly Update - 8/15 - 10:38pm

Thank you Patrick for the very timely message this morning “Sensing God During The Storm”. There have been MANY storms, in just our church family, this week and we all needed to hear that today!

Thank you Mark Welch for the very moving song service. There were lots of visitors this morning and the voices were beautiful.

PRAISE: Jonathan Wicks was baptized this morning. We love you Jonathan!

Melvin Webb went forward this morning asking for forgiveness from his family and his church family.

  •  Steve Shoemake's "CELEBRATION OF LIFE" will be Monday night at the Love Civic Center at 6:30 p.m. Dress will be CASUAL because "Steve never liked to get dressed up!"  Please continue to keep Traci, Mallory, Roxanne, Peggy and their family in prayer.
  • Tim Keele is in PRMC/S - Room 331. He has a staph infection in his ankle (from an insect bite). Leslie posted on facebook that “Tim feels better. The swelling has gone down some. He is able to put some pressure on it now. It is draining on it's own so that is a good sign. Thanks for all your prayers and concern. We have great friends and family.”
  • Please keep the Logan family in your prayers.  Richard's daughter, Sarah, is returning home from the war zone and his son, Ben, will be heading out to the war zone.  Pray for their safety.
  • Jamie Hyatt asked for prayers for the family of Linda Barber.  She passed away suddenly this past week.
  • Linda Erwin's cousin, Jeff Scoggins, has a brain aneurysm and was taken to ETMC/Tyler yesterday. 
  • Janet Stripland’s son, Matt Stripland, has just been diagnosed with a brain tumor.
  • Dean's Kilmer's dad passed away on Friday and the service will be Tuesday in Alva Oklahoma.
CONGRATULATIONS to Wayne and Ruth McFadden. They have been married 63 years.!

CONGRATULATIONS to Joel and Adrian Casey. They have been married 60 years!

The Teacher Appreciation Luncheon is Tuesday. We are hoping for 300 this year. Lets show these teachers how much we appreciate their hard work. We need lots of desserts. If you us out by bringing dessert to the church by 10:00 Tuesday morning.

ATTENTION LADIES:  Our 2nd H.A.L.O. meeting will be this Thursday night (8/19) at 6pm in the Outreach Bldg.  Bring finger foods & a pantry item.  This months community outreach will be a canister of pre-sweetened Kool-Aid for Boles Children's Home.

Brent and Jill Nichols will finally be here September 4-19. They want to make sure they get to visit with everyone while they are here. Rachel Spencer has put a sign-up sheet at the Welcome Center for those that would like to have them for a meal at lunch or dinner. If the time is taken up, maybe 2-3 families could all meet together with them!

SCHOOL BACKPACKS: It's time to start thinking about backpacks for the kiddos at Justiss Elementary. Charlotte Grooms stated that: "I will be glad to take cash if people had rather do that. It makes the kids feel special to get a new backpack. I watch the ads and lot of times you can get 2 for the price of one."

SIMPLE SUPPER: This week’s entree will be Chicken Salad. If you didn't get the chance to sign up on Sunday morning, you still have the chance to come and eat with us by calling the church office by noon on Tuesday. Still only $2.

 PANTRY NEEDS: Peanut Butter and Jelly

Aug 18: Bud Wampler will speak
Aug 19: H.A.L.O. meets at 6pm - Outreach Bldg.
Aug 21: Skinner/Holland Wedding
Aug 22: April McClour's "Blue" Baby Shower
Aug 25: Wayne Kerby will speak
Aug 29: 5th Sunday Format & Potluck
Sept 1: Blood Drive
Sept 2: Men's "42" Night
Sept 12:  Faithful Readers

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