Thursday, September 23, 2010

Prayer Requests - 9/23 - 11:20am

Lesa Bulls talked with Melissa Arnold this morning and she said that Lucas & Stephanie's baby weighed 2 lbs. 11 oz. and breathing on her own.  Stephanie is still having blood pressure issues and her sight is still blurry

And Lesa also got this report from Sonja Carter (teacher at North Lamar):  Just got a phone call with the results of the body scan... there was no other cancer found during the scan!!!!!  I could not be more thankful!! We are still working on getting the thyroid levels right and they are changing my medicine again. Hopefully, I will begin to feel more energetic for longer periods of time. Thank you all so much for your prayers & concerns!  I am thankful to the Lord for his goodness and healing.

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