Thursday, September 30, 2010

Prayer Requests - 9/30 - 11:15pm

My friend Debbie (McNeal) Naron's Dad, Elmer "Butch" McNeal, is in PRMC/S - ICU with pneumonia. His oxygen levels fluxuate from 40 to 80.  This number needs to stay HIGH.  Please pray specifically for his lungs to clear and the levels to return to normal.  Please keep their family in prayer.

Jessica Daniels posted this message tonight:  "My Poppy, Billy Kee, is out of surgery and doing GREAT!! They fixed everything they were going to and he is talking recovery. He will be in the hospital a few more days and then will come home better!!"

Rene Crews sent this message today:  "My friend, Kim Jones, has Pancreatitis. She got sick yesterday and may have to go to Dallas today.  She is scheduled for a C/T scan Monday and another test on Wednesday of next week."

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