Thursday, October 21, 2010

Prayer Requests - 10/21 - 9:07am

Wayne Tolbert pathology report showed NO cancer cells! Hopefully he will get out of ICU in a couple days. Thank you for the prayers & please continue praying for him.

Ed Bullard is having surgery this morning to have his gallbladder removed and a large section of his colon removed. 

Johnny Bassett was taken back to the nursing home yesterday afternoon after being in the ER yesterday.

Lesa Bulls' Mom, Mazie Brockinton, is awaiting more test results.

Mike Erwin is have a sonogram on his kidneys this morning.

Dr. Bob Yeakley passed away recently.  There will be a memorial service next week.  Please keep his wife Terrie in your prayers.

Annetta Thomas' son, Sgt. William Thomas, is in the Army and is asking for a specific prayer.  When he was younger he was in a Boy's Home.  It was a small school with only 2 people in administration.  Billy needs the transcript from this school to get his next promotion, in the Army, and is having problems getting this one piece of paper.  Please pray specifically that this will happen so he can advance in his career!

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