Monday, October 25, 2010

Prayer Requests - 10/25 - 10:45pm

Webber's Dad, W.L. "Red" Woodall, is still needing your prayers!  He is still is so very sick. Two different nurses tried to find veins this afternoon couldn't find one.  Had to put IV into groin area. He has 5 bags of meds going into him now. His white blood count is too high and still no kidney function.  Specifically pray for NO pain, an uneventful transition and peace.

There's been a terrible tragedy in Lamar County tonight.  A little boy, Dalton Young, has been CareFlighted to Dallas with gunshot wounds and 2 women haven died from gunshot wounds.  Please keep these families in your prayers.

A friend has asked that we keep the Swain family in prayer. 

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