Sunday, October 17, 2010

Weekly Update - 10/17 - 8:50pm

WOW...What a wonderful Sunday this was!!!  Patrick, the lesson on "A Light In The Darkness" was a great way to get our week started!  We have to remember that we are a light to the matter where we are!  Are YOU living a "life from above lifestyle"?
Thank you Richard for the wonderfully upbeat song service!  (And, by the way, don't give up your day job to be a stand-up comedian!)

  • Kathy Ballard asked for prayers for the patience to wait on test results.
  • Louie and Marolyn Woodall will be traveling, these next 2 weeks, to Greece.  Please pray for safe travel and their safety while in a foreign country.
  • Laura Cannon will also be traveling this week.  Prayers for safety!!
  • Mike Kennedy had angioplasty this week, on his legs, and is doing great.  He will be having hernia surgery soon.  Mike and Gail's great-grandson, Logan, had another full body cast put on this week.  He seems to be doing better!
  • Wayne Tolbert is continuing to recuperate from lung surgery, and he is doing well.
  • Lisa Denman's cousin, Julie Matthews, had surgery to remove ovarian cancer and is now taking chemo.  Please pray for Julie's strength and that she will be healed.
  • Nick and Kim McDowra's son, Bentley, is still in an Austin children's hospital, and seems to be some better.
  • Edwin Pickle's mom, Sally Ann Pickle is doing better!  Not as bad as first thought!  Thank you Lord!
  • Debra Usry would like prayers for her sister, Julie Kay Smith.   For finding a job, finding a place of her own and that she come to know the Lord.
  • Lloyd Usry's sister, Donna Moseley, is recovering from recent knee replacement surgery.
  • Lyn Ray Graham is once again fighting cancer.  Please keep him and his family in prayer.
  • Please pray that Angela Heath, a young Mom with cancer, will be comforted with her pain and get to come home soon from the hospital in Tyler.  (She's been there 4 weeks.)
  • Tammy Huffman's aunt, Wanda Russell, passed away this past week.  Please keep her uncle, Nolan, on your hearts.
H.A.L.O.:  Ladies this Tuesday, October 19th, at 6pm. This month's community project is the LACOC pantry. Bring items for stocking our benevolent pantry for the upcoming months. Also, bring finger foods and your favorite games to share.

TRUNK OR TREAT: Tanya has a sign-up sheet on the Welcome Center for those wanting to host a car or help in other ways. This is SO much fun for the kids and adults too!

SIMPLE SUPPER: This week’s entree will be a special Baked Potatoes and Fixings. If you didn't get the chance to sign up on Sunday morning, you still have the chance to come and eat with us by calling the church office by noon on Tuesday. Still only $2 per plate.

BENEVOLENCE CLOTHES CLOSET: Is FULL at this time.  Thank you all for your donations! 

PANTRY NEEDS: Canned Fruit

Oct 19: H.A.L.O. @6pm (Project: Pantry items)
Oct 31: 5th Sunday Format
Oct 31: Trunk or Treat
Nov 10: Blood Drive
Nov 19-21: Family Retreat - sign-ups will begin soon.

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