Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Prayer Request Update - 11/9 - 10:45am

Wayne Tolbert continues to be in PRMC-S 318

Tammy Benedick is in PRMC-S (No room number known at this time.)  She will have gall bladder surgery this afternoon.

Grace Francis is in PRMC-S 534.  She has pneumonia and is receiving antibiotics.

Ed Bullard continues to be in PRMC-S 305.  He is BETTER. A disease control doctor was called in to insure that proper antibiotics, etc. are being administered. They sewed him up yesterday and he will be experiencing pain for a few days.  They are giving him insulin and, in general, our brother is better. (And Cheryl is too.)

Derald Bulls asked that we add Ginger Ballard (daughter of Dr. Gary & Gwen Ballard) to the prayer list.  She is having brain surgery next Tuesday at Baylor/Dallas.  Ginger works at PJC.

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