Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Prayer Requests - 11/23 - 10:45pm

Kristi Garrett sent this message tonight:  "Landon asked for prayers by name for the following guys in Anchorage... Landon, James, Levi, Steve, and Warren... they are all waiting to see what the stuff in Korea will bring... also there is a soldier stationed in Korea named Chiesa... he went through basic with Landon. He asked for them to be put on the prayer list/blog... He asked that we pray for them by name... oh and I know you will add out loud."   (Kristi...you know me SO well and Landon, you know the LACOC prayer warriors are ON IT!!)

Matthew 21:22:  "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."

Please keep the Arturo Guzman family in your prayers also.  They live down the street from me and lost their home in a fire tonight.  I know that ANYTIME there is a fire, it's bad, but when it's around the holidays it just seems to make it worse.  BUT...thank you Lord, everyone is safe!

There is an AWFUL virus running around at this time.  Lots of our members are ill and at home!  (ME included!)  Please take good care of yourselves!

Be safe and have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!

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