Monday, November 8, 2010

Weekly Update - 11/8 - 3:04pm

  • Alan Boyd is at home recovering from his last surgery to help with the pain that he endures each day.
  • Janie Russell is now living at her daughter Melanie's home in the metroplex.  She hopes to be HOME to Paris by the end of December.
  • Continue to remember Sherry Welch's Mom, Hazel Cross, as she continues to recover from a stroke at home.  She is able to stay up all day and is gaining strength daily.
  • Marianne Whitehouse would like for us to remember her brother, David Bean, in prayer.  Please also keep Marianne in your prayers also as she is the caretaker for him.
  • Ed Bullard for continued healing.
  • Hugh Anthony is having health issues.
  • Dianna Welch is continue to experience pain from her foot that won't heal.  She had a major set-back last week.
GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP:  The topic "Making it Through The Holidays" will be Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm in the Elders Conference Room.  Nov. 17, Dec 1-8-15.  Invite anyone that you think might benefit from this group.  Dr. Mike Bishop & Patrick Cannon will facilitate.

H.A.L.O.: We'll meet Tuesday, November 16th, at 6pm. This month's community project is the LACOC Latch Key Program. (Ideas for this would be snacks, games, movies, etc.) Also, bring finger foods and your favorite games to play.

HOLIDAY FOOD BASKETS:  Gina Barnett, has once again, agreed to head up the Holiday Food Basket drive during December.  She will be getting back with us with more details.

SIMPLE SUPPER: This week’s entree will be Burritos. If you didn't get the chance to sign up on Sunday morning, you still have the chance to come and eat with us by calling the church office by noon on Tuesday. Still only $2 per plate.
BENEVOLENCE CLOTHES CLOSET: Is FULL at this time. Thank you all for your donations!
Nov 10: Blood Drive
Nov 14: Singles Group going to TaMolly's for lunch (See Annetta Thomas or call church office for info)
Nov 14: Faithful Readers meet at 4pm
Nov 16: H.A.L.O. meets at 6pm
Nov 17: Annual Thanksgiving Dinner (Bring desserts by 2pm that day!)
Nov 19-21: Family Retreat - sign-ups will begin soon.
Nov 21:  LifeGroups meet
Nov 23: Mid-week service will be on Tuesday night, due to holidays.
Jan 14-16:  WinterFest

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