Thursday, December 9, 2010

Prayer Requests - 12/9 - 8:54pm

Kimberly Daniels is in PRMC/S with kidney stones and possibly gout.  They will be doing more tests on her tomorrow.  Please keep her in your prayers.

Reggie McDowra's son & Melvin & Becky Webb's grandson, Nick McDowra, is in the Army, stationed at Ft. Hood. At 2:30 pm today, Nick was burned on his face an eyes with hot hydrolic oil.  The Doctors said he might loose his eyesight. Please pray that God will heal him, and return him to excellent health and eyesight.

Please keep me in your prayers also!  I was told today that I will have surgery on my ONE good eye in January.  This has been a fear of mine all of my life and I am terrified.  So...I need my prayer warriors to specifically pray that they can fix my good eye and that I come out of this with my vision...and maybe even better vision.

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