Thursday, December 23, 2010

Special Request - 12/23 - 10:36pm

Kimberly Daniels and I need help....There is a family, here in Paris, that is in GREAT need of their own Christmas miracle. Their Christmas gifts have been stolen. They just got home TODAY from a Dallas hospital with a little preemie baby boy, they also have a 10 year old son too. Their Christmas gifts were at her Mom's house, which was broken into! ALL of their Christmas! Dad works for KC and his check was only $50 this week, because of being at the hospital with the new baby & Mommy.
If you can help in any way, here's some ideas:
Baby Boy needs Preemie diapers/clothes
10 year old boy needs; Boy toys, shirt - Med/Youth, Shoes size 2, pants size 8/8 slim.
Thank you in advance for your help!

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