Sunday, December 26, 2010

Weekly Prayer Requests - 12/26 - 9:00pm

Patrick, your message "Will You Allow Jesus To Reign In Your Heart" was a wonderful lesson to get us ready for a week of deciding our New Years' Resolutions!  We have to remember; "God with us...God for us...God in us".
We had so many family/visitors this morning...and the singing was beautiful!  (Thank you Richard!)  We were blessed to have Johnny and Pat Houser with us today too!

Brian McClain went forward this morning and stated that he "has to get right with God".
  • Annetta Thomas' grandson, Gavin, is in the PRMC/ER at this time with breathing problems.
  • Mack Ray continues to be in Baylor/Dallas. 
  • Please keep the Cowan family in your prayers as Mark had the 2nd surgery this week. He will be having the 3rd surgery soon. He is going to be off of work for months and this will be very hard on the family.
  • Annetta Thomas asked that we keep 2 friends in our prayers.  Virginia Clark has an open wound that will not heal.  James Clark has kidney problems that are preventing him from having heart surgery.
  • Dee Lyons is continuing to have health issues.
  • Peggy Robinson will be going to Dallas, on January 6th, for a second opinion on a tumor that has been found in her stomach.
  • Jason McGee will have all 4 wisdom teeth removed on December 29th.
  • Sherry Welch's Mom, Hazel Cross, is continuing to recuperate from her stroke.
  • Roy Welch continues to be in the hospital after his hip surgery last week.
  • Please continue to remember those in the hospital: Grace Francis, Dot Campbell, Christine Mashburn, Mack Ray and Mark Cowan.
JANUARY 2011: Starting in January we will be starting the process of reaffirming our Elders and selecting new ones.

Lamar Avenue will be providing meal for the PJC Women's Basketball Team between Christmas and New Year's. The dates are Tuesday 12/27 - Wed 12/28 - Thursday 12/29. If you would be willing to help with the meals for approximately 12-14 ladies and 2 coaches.  If you would like more details or have questions, see Derald Bulls or Rita Pringle.

NEW YEAR'S EVE: Come ring in the new year with your brothers and sisters in Christ, Friday, December 31st. We'll be meeting at the building for food and fun. Bring snacks and games to share. The festivities will begin around 6p-7p and last until midnight. Come and have a great time!

PANTRY NEEDS: Everything!
SIMPLE SUPPER: This week’s entree will be Spaghetti. If you didn't get the chance to sign up on Sunday morning, you still have the chance to come and eat with us by calling the church office by noon on Tuesday. Still only $2 per plate.

Dec 29: All Wednesday night classes will meet as usual
Dec 31: New Year's Eve Fellowship
Jan 9: Family Life Groups
Jan 9: Faithful Readers
Jan 14-16: WinterFest
Jan 23: Family Life Groups

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