Monday, December 13, 2010

Weekly Update - 12/13 - 4:40pm

Thank you Patrick for the very moving message yesterday morning about Mary and her news of carrying the baby Jesus.  It was from Luke 1:26-38.  Mary was so troubled, she needed the reassurance that God can do anything, and that God doesn't want us to worry.  I thought Patrick was talking JUST to me when he was preaching this morning....come to find out, there are LOTS who thought he was talking JUST to them!  There are so many that are troubled, grieving, sick, etc.  We need to be ever so thankful that God DOES take care of us.
Those little ones were so precious, yesterday morning, up there with Keith singing "Away In A Manger"!  Our kids have so much energy and love in their heart!

PRAISE:  It was wonderful to see Landon Garrett at church yesterday morning!  Glad he is getting to be with us for the holidays!
  • Continue to remember Gary & Dinah Border as they grieve the loss of Miss Johnnie last week.
  • Mack Ray had his heart by-pass surgery today.
  • Debra Usry will have a heart cath this Friday (12/17) in Dallas.  Pray that this will go well as it is the next step towards her having her surgery this next year.
  • Please continue to pray for me (Molly) that I will not be so anxious about the upcoming surgery on my eye.
  • Sherry Welch's Mom, Hazel Cross, is some better.  Just continue to remember her.
  • Annetta Thomas' son, Sgt. Billy Thomas, is over in Iraq.  Please pray for safety for him, his group, his wife and kids (Gavin & Jacob).
  • Kristie Nutt's friend, Lorna Vorrhies, needs our prayers.  She is disabled and is trying to get disability.
  • Please continue to remember those in the hospital:  Ed Bullard, Grace Francis, Dot Campbell, Hazel Cross and Christine Mashburn.

JANUARY 2011: Starting in January we will be starting the process of reaffirming our Elders and selecting new ones.

GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP: The topic "Making it Through The Holidays" has been discussed on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm in the Elders Conference Room. This Wednesday night will be the last week.  Invite anyone that you think might benefit from this group. Dr. Mike Bishop & Patrick Cannon will facilitate.

HOLIDAY FOOD BASKETS: Gina Chilcoat, has once again, agreed to head up the Holiday Food Basket drive during December. There are forms on a table in the foyer. Think of someone you know that could benefit from a Christmas Basket and fill out the form for them. Once the form is complete, put in the box next to the forms. BUT...this Wednesday will be the last day to get those in!!! If you have any questions, please give Gina a call at 580-320-5495.  She is still in need of those that can help deliver the baskets on Wednesday night - December 22!

Lamar Avenue will be providing meal for the PJC Women's Basketball Team between Christmas and New Year's.  The dates are Tuesday 12/27 - Wed 12/28 - Thursday 12/29.  If you would be willing to help with the meals for approximately 12-14 ladies and 2 coaches, please sign up at the Welcome Center in the next couple of weeks.We will be asking for meats, vegetables, breads & desserts.  This is a great way to involve your family during the holidays!  If you would like more details or have questions, see Derald Bulls or Rita Pringle.


SIMPLE SUPPER: This week’s entree will be Baked Ham.  If you didn't get the chance to sign up on Sunday morning, you still have the chance to come and eat with us by calling the church office by noon on Tuesday. Still only $2 per plate.

Dec 19:  Family LIFE Groups
Dec 22-24:  Church office will be closed.
Dec 25:  Louie & Marolyn Woodall are opening their home for Christmas lunch again this year.
Jan 9: Faithful Readers
Jan 14-16: WinterFest

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