Monday, December 20, 2010

Weekly Update - 12/20 - 1:47pm

Thank you Jered for stepping in for Patrick yesterday and doing a beautiful job!  Thank you Kyle for the wonderful song services.
  • PRAISE:  We're so happy to have Janie Russell back with us, after such a long stay in the hospital and rehab!  Janie we missed your sweet face and your precious smile!
  • Mack Ray continues to be in Baylor/Dallas.  (We miss your "Amen's"!!!)
  • Lillian Taylor was in the hospital this past week with blood pressure problems. 
  • Please keep the Cowan family in your prayers as Mark had the 2nd surgery this week.  He will be having the 3rd surgery soon.  He is going to be off of work for months and this will be very hard on the family.
  • Dee Lyons is at Hunt Regional Hospital in Greenville.  Please pray for strength and courage to face a difficult past.  Please remember her daughter Jadielle also.
  • Peggy Robinson will be going to Dallas, on January 6th, for a second opinion on a tumor that has been found in her stomach.
  • Jason McGee will have all 4 wisdom teeth removed on December 29th.
  • Lesa Bulls asked that we remember Alice Kirby and her family in our prayers.  Their home burned on Friday afternoon. 
  • Chris & Linda Easton's son, Kyle, is having severe back problems.  Please pray for a proper diagnosis and healing.
  • Sherry Welch's Mom, Hazel Cross, is some better and is in a rehab facility in Sulphur Springs. Just continue to remember her.  She had more mini-strokes on Saturday. 
  • Mike Kennedy's Mom will have a colonoscopy this week in Mesquite.
  • The Webb's grandson & Reggie McDowra's son, Nick McDowra, had his eyes injured last week by a burn.  His eyes are showing improvement and he will be here in Paris for Christmas!
  • Michelle Gillie's Mom, Helen Caminade, had a stress test this past week that the results were not normal. 
  • Bailey Gillie's friend, Shelly McCoin is having major health problems.
  • Roy Welch continues to be in the hospital after his hip surgery last week.
  • Annetta Thomas is suffering with a sinus infection.
  • Continue to remember the husband and daughters of Sharhonda Hickson.  She passed away on Tuesday night of a heart attack. 
  • Please continue to remember those in the hospital:  Grace Francis, Dot Campbell, and Christine Mashburn, Mack Ray & Mark Cowan.
  • For all those who are traveling this holiday season....please be careful and have a wonderful Christmas!!

JANUARY 2011: Starting in January we will be starting the process of reaffirming our Elders and selecting new ones.

HOLIDAY FOOD BASKETS:  There are 100 baskets that will be delivered this Wednesday night.  If you have any questions, please give Gina a call at 580-320-5495. She is still in need of those that can help deliver the baskets on Wednesday night - December 22!

Lamar Avenue will be providing meal for the PJC Women's Basketball Team between Christmas and New Year's. The dates are Tuesday 12/27 - Wed 12/28 - Thursday 12/29. If you would be willing to help with the meals for approximately 12-14 ladies and 2 coaches, please sign up at the Welcome Center in the next couple of weeks.We will be asking for meats, vegetables, breads & desserts. This is a great way to involve your family during the holidays! If you would like more details or have questions, see Derald Bulls or Rita Pringle.
NEW YEAR'S EVE:  Come ring in the new year with your brothers and sisters in Christ, Friday, December 31st.  We'll be meeting at the building for food and fun.  Bring snacks and games to share.  The festivities will begin around 6p-7p and last until midnight.  Come and have a great time!

PANTRY NEEDS: Boxes of Mac & Cheese

SIMPLE SUPPER: This week’s entree will be Enchilada Soup. If you didn't get the chance to sign up on Sunday morning, you still have the chance to come and eat with us by calling the church office by noon on Tuesday. Still only $2 per plate.


Dec 22-24: Church office will be closed.
Dec 25: Louie and Marolyn Woodall are opening their home for Christmas lunch again this year.
Dec 31:  New Year's Eve Fellowship
Jan 9:  Family Life Groups
Jan 9: Faithful Readers
Jan 14-16: WinterFest
Jan 23: Family Life Groups

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