Thursday, January 6, 2011

Prayer Request Updates - 1/6 - 10:30am

While I am out of commission next week, Kathy Daniels will be taking care of Prayer Requests. You can contact her at 903-784-0557 or e-mail her at

Peggy Robinson is on her way to Dallas now for her visit with the specialist today.  Please pray for good test results and a safe trip.

Alvin Buchanan has been admitted to PRMC/South with pneumonia.

Doris Helm is at home very ill.

Carle Usry's friend, Matthew Barnes, left yesterday going to Army Basic Training in Ft. Benning, Georgia.

January 23rd is going to be a VERY busy day!  Here's a rundown for you:
After worship service that morning, we'll have a potluck lunch/going away for the Benedick's.
At 2:00 that afternoon, there will be a baby girl shower for Stacie (Skidmore) Hughey.
That evening, we will have our Life Group meetings.

Upcoming wedding dates to remember:
May 15:  Trevor Pringle and Brittany Young will be married in Bella Vista, Arkansas
Oct 8th:  Lacy Nabors and Jesse Anderson will be married in Commerce.

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